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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. I think difference between paki and kachi mala is something to do with either speed of recitation which helps to go through 4 different types of bani (madma, bakhri, pasanti, para bani).

    Sant Maharaj Ji was very strict when it comes to giving amrit to jaiagso, its been know that whoever took amrit from sant maharaj ji were abhyasi singh and singhani and did great abhyaas before they took amrit.

  2. There is no Spoon.



    I remember a few years ago… the launch of one of the best movies ever made. It was called The Matrix. I didn’t see it at Cinema first, because it looked just like another sleek action flick. I wasn’t that interested. So i thought i would get it on DVD… and how glad I am that I did.

    What i thought was an action movie… wasn’t an action movie anymore. It was a movie about life, about society, about being an individual, about freedom, about destiny, and about fate.

    Read some of the thought provoking dialogue below. It’s absolutely amazing and so related to Sikh teachings. It had some beautiful dialogues and amazing theology behind it.


    You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, this is not far from the truth.

    Do you believe in fate, Neo?Neo:


    Why not?


    Because I don’t like the idea that I’m not in control of my life.


    I know exactly what you mean.

    Let me tell you why you’re here.

    You’re here because you know something.

    What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it; you’ve felt it your entire life.

    That there’s something wrong with the world.

    You don’t know what it is, but it’s there….like a splinter in your mind…driving you mad.

    It is this feeling that has brought you to me.

    Do you know what I’m talking about?


    The Matrix?


    Do you want to know what…it…is?

    The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now…in this very room.

    You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television.

    You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes.

    It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes….to blind you from the truth.


    What truth?


    That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage.

    Born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison….for your mind.

    Neo - The MatrixHow many of us have been there? How many of us have felt that splinter? How many of us realize that there’s something wrong, but we just can’t pinpoint what it is? How many have tested the bars of the prison in our minds? I know I have.

    The Matrix is society. It is culture. It is all the things that have been built to blind us to the innate freedoms to be who and what we want to be. And frankly, if you can’t unplug, if you can’t break away, the things you see remain tinted and obscured by the Matrix.

    Now relate that to Sikh teachings. Replace the word Matrix for maya (material). Maya is like our society now. The world revolves around it. It is culture. It is all the things that have been built to blind us to the innate freedoms to be who and what we want to be. And, if you can’t unplug, if you can’t break away from Maya, the things you see remain tinted and obscured by it.

    That’s more easily said than done. Some people cannot imagine a world without structure. Without order. Without binary rules to help guide their lives. They wouldn’t take the Red Pill for anything. These people cannot imagine a world of freedom, and actually perceive attempts at freedom as threats to their very existence, to the foundations of life itself! In fact, And, they do what they feel they need to do to protect it.


    The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy.

    When you’re inside, look around. What do you see?


    The very minds of the people we are trying to save.

    But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy.

    You have to understand. Most of these people are not ready to be unplugged.

    And many of them are so anured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.

    Those of us who are unplugged face tests of our own to prove to ourselves that we’re the one, that we’re real, that we deserve to be here.


    I’m trying to free your mind, Neo, but I can only show you the door.

    You’re the one that needs to walk through it.

    You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear…doubt…disbelief. Free your mind!

    I am not going to go on thinking of ways to help you see what I see when I watch the movie. Those of you who have had similar experiences with it know what I’m talking about. You’ve taken the red pill, as I have. And, you see the world for what it is….not for what common paradigms would have you believe that the world we see is all there is.

    BUT, if I had to identify three critical quotes, three tremendously enlightening passages among all the wonderful stuff in there, I’d have to pick these three:

    Morpheus: The Matrix cannot tell you who you are.


    The Oracle:

    So…what do you think? Do you think you are the “one”? Neo:

    Honestly, I don’t know. The Oracle:

    (pointing to a sign over the door) You know what that means? It’s Latin. It means “Know Thyself”. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. It’s like being in love. No one can tell you you’re in love you just know it. Through and through. Balls to bones.


    Morpheus: …..There’s a difference between knowing the path….and walking the path.


    So profound. So deep. And so true.

    If you havent watched the movie… you do not know what you are missing out on. Go and watch it.

  3. taken from sikhportal forum:

    It was a gloomy Saturday afternoon. A flock of birds was spending great time searching for food and playing on the main road. Out of the sudden, a big truck sped through... sad thing had happened again.

    Birds can feel too. Although this bird had already died, another bird flew over to her immediately, just like a family member, unable to accept the truth.

    Not long after that, another car stormed in causing the dead bird's body to whirl with the wind. The spouse noticed the movement. As if she was still alive, he quickly flew beside her again.

    He stayed beside her and yelled ... "WHY ARE YOU NOT GETTING UP!?"

    Unfortunately, she's no longer able to hear him. In the meantime, he's trying to lift her up.

    He, of course, was unable to bear the burden. Another car soon passed by. He quickly flew off. Once the car had gone, he came down again.

    Although other birds told him its useles, he never gave up. He was trying his best to lift her up to see her flying again. Another car passed by, her dead body whirled again as if still alive and trying to fly.

    He had used all of his energy, however...

    The photographer said he couldn't shoot any longer. The photographer was so worried that the living bird was going to get hurt by passing cars. So he picked up the dead bird and left it at the roadside. The live one still lingered at a nearby tree as if crying with his singing and refused to leave.

    Do humans have the same feelings nowadays? I wonder.

    Warm Regard

    Jog Singh Bhatia.

  4. Perversion of Langauge

    We’ve all heard about it, the misuse of certain words in Sikhi. Most prominitly the words, Sant, Bhramgianee are brought to the forefront, and a big fuss is made about the misuse of these words causing for the degradation of Sikhi as a whole. Now as much as I disagree with certain points, there is some validity in the points constantly being raised, but I’d take it a bit further then to say that the misuse of certain boli is not limited to just these few titles, in fact it is more far reaching and in general has a more perverse collective effect. Certain terms have become so common place that the words themselves seem to carry much less weight then they used to. A lot of it can be credited to mis-education, with certain words being mis-represented in the media, and the ignorance is spread further with youth who hear the words but never understand what they mean but go about gleefully spitting these lines at the next ignorant ear in the hopes of seeming more chardi kalaa, and the vicious cycle then continues.

    Here’s a quick and breif anaylsis of each:

    Chardi Kalaa..

    These days everyone is Chardi Kalaa. A guy rapes girls, but does awsome kirtan, and he’s described as being Chardi Kalaa. Kids dress in Banaa, are they not so Chardi Kaala. I think the misuse of the term “Chardi Kalaa” is much worse then the misuse of the word Sant, simply because once every other joe who has a dhari, ties a dastaar becomes Chardi Kalaa, then what do you call those people who really are Chardi Kalaa?? Now the Khalsa Panth is always in Chardi Kalaa, but that doesn’t mean that everyone who takes Amrit is. Just because someone has a good voice, they can swing a soti really fast, or they know how to rock a chola, doesn’t entitle them to being Chardi Kalaa. Someone who does there Nitnem once a week doesn’t become Chardi Kalaa. Being Chardi Kalaa means not worrying about being Chardi Kalaa and just being free. It means “being nice with it”, not because you want people to think you’re nice, but just because thats who you are. More then that, its about being on the upside in your daily battles. Not getting angry, not getting jelous, not letting your eye wonder, it means being set and having your head on straight on a consistent basis.

    Panj Pyarai

    Sad to say, even the institution of Panj Pyarai seems to have been completly exploited. Now I may be defnitlly letting my ego loose, but sometimes I see Punj Pyarai and I can’t help but to think, are you kidding me. A prime example of what I’m talking about, is a common occurence at Gurdwara’s come Nagar Kirtan time,

    Commitee: “We need Punj Pyarai!!” Hmm, Quick grab 5 guys.

    That Singh gots a nice dhara, “you do your nitnem? Good you’re in” you didn’t do your nitnem? You read Jap Ji Sahib? Thats more then enough.”

    Come on now, this aint limbo, we aint trying to see how low we can go.

    There is also a Sakhi about Sant Baba Nand Singh Ji, where some political minded folk wanted mahpurkh to get involved in some morcha to help support their cause which itself was guided by ego and not in true service of the Panth. They approched Baba Ji and asked them to come out and show face, but Baba Ji seeing through there political guise declined and told them to bounce. Realizing that Mahpurkh was a true Gursikh, they tried to use Mahpurkhs love of Gursikhi against them and again approched Mahpurkh in the sacred roop of Punj Pyarai. The five Singhs then demanded Mahpurkh support the cause and that in the roop of the punj pyarai they could not be denied. Mahpurkh lovingly gazed at the five Singhs, and said “you call these five, Punj Pyarai?” Akhooo Satnaam Sri Vahegurooo. Khalsa Jee Mahpurkh said, these indidivduals who dont do their nitnem, don’t wake up for amrit velaa, dont keep the Rehit of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, you call these the punj pyarai? Bounce from here.

    Now that may not be be exactly how things transpired, but you should catch the drift. There have also been times, when I’ve seen good groups of Singhs approched at random to help serve in the Punj Pyarai, none the less decline after feeling weakness in themselves for not being up to par with what someone in the Punj should be. Often times after you do get a glimpse of the “Punj Pyarai” that were assembled and the results are often heartbreaking. Bibian with earings and there faces done up, Singhs who can barley read Gurmukhi let alone complete the punj baniaa, and sometimes ones left to wonder, damn maybe those Singh’s were better off going in at least since they’re not near as bad as that. But just as that moment of hankaar passes Guru Sahib delivers a hard slap to the face and reminds one, that Singho, Bhai Mati Das was a true Pyara, who when being sawed in half still recited Jap Ji Sahib. Bhai Daya Singh, and Bhai Himmat Singh, were Punj pyarai who gave their heads, when no one else would. Those are punj pyarai…NOT just any joe you see with a long dharaa..


    This one had to be mentioned. These days there are tons of Ragi’s just few who know anything about Raag. A Ragi is one who plays Raag. Ideally a Kirtani and a raagi are one and the same, but since Raag isn’t in right now, lets at least leave this term for those who still are gracious enough to learn Raag. I’m not against other styles of Kirtan but come on now, just because a mans from India and does kirtan doesn’t make him a Raagi, let alone a member of a Ragi Jatha.

    Bhenji / Veer Ji

    All right, I admit I’m getting anal with some of these definitions, but I know I’m not the only one who has ever been bothered by this. How do you call someone bhenji then at the same time try to drop lines and run moves? Do people have no shame? This one Singh I met, felt that the term Bhenji had been so degraded that saying Bhenji to a sister no longer felt the same or carried the same weight, that he turned around and started to just literally address them as sister in english. Sister grab me that, sister do this. Yea its an extreme but can you blame him considering all the sakhis you hear about bhenji’s and veerji’s these days.


    This one deserves its own post, but seeing as how I’m getting tired, I’ll let it go easy. Now I’m not trying to say we shouldn’t be humble, but this word gets more play then Uros Slokar, which just isn’t right. It would seem that this word has a direct correlation with being chardi kalaa, since it always seems that those who use (abuse) it, in turn get the title of also being the most Chardi Kalaa.

    All right, I’ve ranted long enough and I’m sure by now you get the point, so I’ll quit while I’m still ahead. Just to clarify I’m not against these titles or words. I’m not saying lets wipe these words from our boli or history, I’m just saying, be real with it. Calm down on the misuse of these terms and lets quit with the everyone is chardi kalaa because they look nice in Banaa, or can fit the word Dass twice in every sentence they say, since that just leads us to go out and find new terms to help elevate or describe those who truly deserve these titles from the rest.

  5. amardeep,

    who said he didnt at all?

    Charan Amrit, Khanda batta da amrit are both sanskar amrit (outer layer of amrit ) , inside and very important layer of amrit- naam amrit- where either gurdev give you shabad (if its charan amrit) or panj pyares give you shabad(if its khanda batta da amrit) to awaken that amrit which is inside all of us.

    In sukhmani sahib, sri guru arjan dev ji says:

    Nuo Nidh Amrit prab ka naam dehi mein eska bisraam ||

  6. great post tsingh, defaniately an eye opener.

    Coming at Issue of amrit- when someone ask modern day groups about bhai ghaniya ji or bhai nand lal ji and other 52 poets in maharaj darbar and their status in sikhi? they are pretty quick to claim oh these guys were full fledged 5 kakari amrit dhari bibeki singhs despite of singh last name absent in their names, they are pretty quick to claim that they took khanda amrit when introduced because their charana amrit or naam amrit were no longer "valid".

    I usually laugh at that classic response, they obviously havent got the whole essence of amrit that guru ji talked about in his gurbani at the first place.

  7. Uploading its not a problem, we have a hosting space, i ll upload it for you . no problem at all, just send it it to me via www.yousendit.com , if akhand patt way too big in size, do mail me the dvd, whenever you have the recordings send me pm, i ll pm you back my mailing adressing.

    or even easier- we will get gurmatveechar.com to upload it, i m sure they wouldnt mind.

    just let us know when you have recording of dasam granth akhand patt on hand.

  8. Current day Taksal is based upon lies with its fake lineage, so another lie to the pot doesnt really make much of a difference does it. :D

    no its not at all, sant gurbachan singh ji bhindranwale gave sant gaddi to sant kartar singh ji bhindranwale , there is a audio prove of it on gurmatveechar.com, reason nihangs of budda dal either or uk or in india prefer baba mohan singh ji bhindranwale as an real successor of sant gurbachan singh ji bhindranwale because baba mohan singh ji bhindranwale is related to baba santa singh ji budda dal, that is quite bias jugdgement if you ask me.

    They remind me of over zealous chelas back in time who would push baba sri chand as real successor to sri guru nanak dev ji instead of real murda murid sevadar- sri guru angad dev ji. Not doing nindya of baba sri chand ji maharaj- without any doubt he was bhramgyani so is in this case- baba mohan singh ji bhindranwale, baba santa singh ji.

    Blood relations have nothing do with gaddi, jathedari in the khalsa panth, those who have done real seva as a murda murid(living dead student) get dargahi gaddi others dont, its as simple as that.

    I am not taksali before someone accuses me of chela of taksal, i dont like hypocrisy, double standards whether it exist in taksal, nirmale, nanaksar, nihangs. I dont have any affilations with any jathabandis. There is part of me who like to get all the great guns from all the samparda's and jatha's. For eg- i would rather prefer the way equality of women exist in akj (despite of major ideological differences) than non-equality of women exist in other samparda's or jatha's.

  9. for curiousity sake lets dwell on this subject:

    what if S. Singh is to be married to K.Kaur in a few months time, they are madly in love with each other and very much committed to the relationship they share. Is it wrong for S.Singh to have lustful thoughts of K.Kaur?

    i mean is it wrong for S.Singh(who loves K. Kaur very much) to once in a while have lustful feelings for his future wife?

    does it make sense to say he should refrain from having those thoughts of her or vice versa?

    la-di-da...they get married and live happily ever after. is it still not proper for either of them to experience those feelings for each other?

    Is it still logic to say that he/she should refrain from those sinful thoughts?

    Lets be fully honest with ourselves here- where there is lust there cannot be stream of pure unconditional love, yeah infatutation is there which this jiv calls love and confuses it with love. Thats there but not pure stream of love.

    and its not only lust that makes guy's erect (ready for intercourse), one can also do bhog thinking of partner as an image of divinity.

    its a major misconception that lust is the only thing that makes men ready for intercourse.

  10. Vâhigurûjîkâkhâlsâ


    Concerning the Recent Slanderous Attacks against Akâlî Bâbâ Sukhâ Singh on www.sikhawareness.com

    It is with great sadness that I have been made aware of recent slanderous accusations made by a certain individual on www.sikhawareness.com against Akâlî Bâbâ Sukhâ Singh. Given the fact that I am no longer part of this forum for having received racist insults I have chosen to write this statement and asked Bhai Barinder Singh Jî to post it for me.

    As to the question of what Akâlî Bâbâ Sukhâ Singh has done for the Panth I will reply by the following:

    Akâlî Bâbâ Sukhâ Singh’s very presence on this earth let alone in the Sikh community itself is a blessing. Apart from being a rahitvân Gursikh he is an inspiration. I might be ten years older than him and have accomplished many things in my life but his piety, compassion, true humility and love brings me to my knees and that is why I call him “Bâbâ Jî”. If ever one wants to know what the closest and loyal Singhs of Guru Gobind Singh looked like then one should look at Akâlî Bâbâ Sukhâ Singh. I say without exaggeration that looking at his face is truly an act of worship and a blessing. Apart from his thorough training at the Sato Gali Taksâl (Sevapanthi institution) he has always endeavoured to study gurbânî more profoundly. Contrarily to those who throw slanderous accusations at him he has actually made great efforts to get in one of the 40 best universities in the world in order to learn the languages one needs to have a true understanding of gurbânî. Learning Sanskrit is indeed not an easy task and so far he is the only Singh I know who has actually made the effort to learn it. The invaluable knowledge he is getting at his university combined to his spiritual and personal qualities will truly make him into a true jewel of the Sikh Panth. A true role model combining piety, chivalry and knowledge, a true Singh of Guru Gobind Singh.

    His prachâr already touches hundreds of people’s hearts and if this isn’t a unique contribution to the Panth already then I don’t know what is!

    I feel honoured not only to know him but also to have him as a brother, closer than even my blood relatives. His enemies are my enemies! May Bar do Alam Shah Guru Gobind Singh shower millions of blessings upon his young knight.

    No need to indulge in a comparison between Akâli Guru Gobind Singh and the disgusting person who has dared utter such malignant slander. A French proverb says it all:

    La bave du crapaud n’atteint pas la blanche colombe.

    The spit of the toad will never hit the white dove.

    Those who slander against Akâlî Bâbâ Sukhâ Singh are like toads: ugly, dirty, devoid of grace. It doesn’t matter how high they might spit, they will never ever be able to destroy him. In any case their spiritual ugliness, satanic tendencies and demonic nature are already their own hell and defeat.

    The cripple will always be jealous of the dancer…

    yours sincerely

    Ustâd Bahâdur Singh

  11. very deep post balbir singh,

    Guru's Shabad after killing all sounds in mind, merges in silence also.

    not speaking from expereince, but speaking from reading personal expereinces/hearing personal expereinces from sant/bhramgyanis-

    Guru's shabad does not die, i think you mention it yourself- merges in silence, i dont think word death(kaal) is approriate to use in context of merging in silence. I would even say even word "merging in silence" is not even approriate to use, not because there is anything wrong with the word itself but people might misinterpret that and think sikhs beleive in mergin in shun.

    - For me, merging in silence means merging in nirankar(Nirgun Paratma) since sikh gurmat advait marg doesnt beleive in shun (empy/0/void) being higher supreme reality like buddhism does.

    - Reason i feel phrase death is not approriate to use in context guru's shabad because- shabad merges into nirankar upon destruction of whole universe, tats(elements) . Merging into nirankar and annihilation/disappearing into non existence(shun) are two different things.

    Shabad cannot die/ merges into silence or merges in nirankar until universe, bhramands, whole creation of vahiguroo exist, because with shabad resonace whole creation is created, resonace exist in vahiguroo's creation:

    Pirthame On(g)kar So Dhun Poran Jagat Mae Raha ||

    Fist ongkar was recited and that resosance created world and give nourishment to this world. (Siri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Dasam Granth Sahib)

    Ongkar aad kathni anad, Khal Khand Khyal Gurbar Akaal ||

    Ongkar Bhrama Utpat ||

    Gyani talks about in the katha- bhrama(creator) came from ongkar resosance.

    Ongkar Kiya Jin Chit ||

    Then bhrama did bhagti on ongkar for thousands of years. After that Nirgun asked him, what do you want? Bhram asked god to give him powers to create the world.

    Ongkar Saiyel Jug Paie ||

    Ongkar Vaid Nirvaie ||

    Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, with ongkar - Nirgun transcedents it's attributes into sargun.

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