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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. VahiguroojikakhalsaVahiguroojikifateh Sadh Sangat ji,

    I dont know if sangat can help me or not but i am looking for artist name or actual track or track name of classical background music behind this file its by sant waryam singh ji ratwara sahib-


    Any help would be greatly appreciated, it felt soo nice to hear this track at the background while listening to baba ji's bachan. Also to be precise, i usually use classical music background in my meditation, it be very nice if i can get hold of this track.

  2. Just saw this article, was shocked to read this allegations against namdhari panth, how true is this? can respected namdhari members of this forum please verify this section in bold?

    UK Gurdwaras Insult Guru Sahib by promoting Naamdhari Cult

    Wednesday 21st of February 2007

    Panthic Weekly News Bureau

    United Kingdom - Earlier this month, Panthic Weekly exposed (see Naamdharis Performing Keertan at Gurdwaras) the intentional distortion of Gurbaani by Naamdhari Keertanis who are currently touring the UK after members of the UK Sangat who heard their Keertan highlighted the beadbi. Naamdhari Baljeet Singh and Gurmeet Singh misread a word in Aasa Ki Vaar. When challenged by two Sikh ladies sitting in a UK Gurdwara where these Keertanis were performing Keertan they justified their beadbi (violation) of Gurbaani by saying that their "Guru" (referring to Jagjit Sinh) said that "phaaray" (torn) as stated in Aasa Ki Vaar in Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee is actually "pehiray" (worn).

    Guru Har Rai Sahib Ji's eldest son Sri Ram Rai had needless enmity with the eight and ninth Gurus and appointed his own Masands. He changed a line in the holy Gurbani just to please the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb, changing "Mittee musalmaan kee…" (soil is of the Muslim…) to "Mittee beimaan kee…" (soil is of the deceitful…). The seventh Satguru discarded Sri Ram Rai from the house of the Guru forever, because he altered Gurbani. Satguru said:

    ਜਿਨ ਭੈ ਅਦਬ ਨ ਬਾਨੀ ਧਾਰਾ ।

    ਜਾਨਹੁ ਸੋ ਸਿਖ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਮਾਰਾ । 20 ।

    "Those who do not fear and respect Gurbani, cannot be a Sikh of mine."

    (Sri Guru Partap Suraj Granth)

    We must remember Seventh Nanak, Guru Har Rai Sahib Ji, disowned his own son and excommunicated him from the Panth after he intentionally distorted one word from Gurbani. However, today's Gurdwara Management Committees are allowing those who don't believe Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji should be on the throne of Guru Nanak, who believe that their self-proclaimed Satguru is the 15th incarnation of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, practice Havans and Bipran Kee Reet, and intentionally distort a word in Gurbani to perform Keertan on our Gurdwara because they have knowledge of Gurmat Sangeet.

    Does knowledge of Gurmat Sangeet and Raag give one license to perform Keertan irrespective that they are corrupt fraudsters who believe intentionally and unapologetically distort Sikh history, Sikh principles and most seriously Gurbani, the Word of God? Anyone who allows Naamdharis to perform Keertan on the Gurdwara Stage is liable for the same punishment for allowing the followers of Ram Rai perform Keertan on the Guru's stage.

    Gurbani says:

    ਕੋਈ ਗਾਵੈ ਰਾਗੀ ਨਾਦੀ ਬੇਦੀ ਬਹੁ ਭਾਤਿ ਕਰਿ ਨਹੀ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਭੀਜੈ ਰਾਮ ਰਾਜੇ ॥

    Some sing of the Lord, through Raags (musical measures) and the sound current of the Naad, through the Vedas, and in so many ways. But the Lord, Har, Har, is not pleased by these, O Lord King.

    ਜਿਨਾ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਕਪਟੁ ਵਿਕਾਰੁ ਹੈ ਤਿਨਾ ਰੋਇ ਕਿਆ ਕੀਜੈ ॥

    Those who are filled with fraud and corruption within - what good does it do for them to cry out?

    ਹਰਿ ਕਰਤਾ ਸਭੁ ਕਿਛੁ ਜਾਣਦਾ ਸਿਰਿ ਰੋਗ ਹਥੁ ਦੀਜੈ ॥

    The Creator Lord knows everything, although they may try to hide their sins and the causes of their diseases.

    ਜਿਨਾ ਨਾਨਕ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਹਿਰਦਾ ਸੁਧੁ ਹੈ ਹਰਿ ਭਗਤਿ ਹਰਿ ਲੀਜੈ ॥4॥11॥18॥

    O Nanak, those Gurmukhs whose hearts are pure, obtain the Lord, Har, Har, by devotional worship. ||4||11||18||

    (Ang 450)

    Is the insult by Naamdharis towards Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee just limited to distortion of history, principles and Gurbani? No. In the 1940's the Naamdhari Guru Partap Singh started the practice called a 'Pattar Paath'. This was in imitation of the Gursikh Akhand Paath but what was particularly odious about it was that it entailed the Angs of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji being torn out and then passed to a number of Paathis (Scriptural readers) and the Patah then being done at the same time by 10-15 people. As a result the Paath was completed in a few hours. Then these Angs were burnt! Sri Akaal Takht Sahib warned Partap Singh about this violation of the sanctity of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. However, the 'Pattar Paaths' were only stopped after the Sikhs protested and Panthic Nihang Singhs threatened to kill Partap Singh.

    The following UK Gurdwaras have advertised and promoted the Naamdhari Keertanis and therefore insulted Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji by allowing the followers of self-proclaimed Satguru who claims to be the rightful owner of Guru Nanak's throne and who intentionally and unapologetically distort Gurbani in the presence of Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji:

    Central Gurdwara, Drayton Bridge Road, West Ealing

    Guru Amar Dass Gurdwara, Clifton road, Southall

    Ramgharia Gurdwara, Oswald road, Southall

    Guru Nanak Darbar, King Street, Southall

    Guru Nanak Sikh School, Springfield Road, Hayes

    Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Havelock Road, Southall

    Gurdwara Karamsar, High Road, Ilford

    Ramgarhia Gurdwara, Woodland Avenue, Slough

    Ramgaria Gurdwara, Foleshill Road, Coventry

    Gurdwara Baba Sang, High Street, Smethwick

    Gurdwara Babe Ke, Soho Hill, Hockley

    A Sikh is one who owes sole allegiance to only Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and the Guru Khalsa Panth. May God bless the Gurdwara Sahib Management Committees with understanding so that they realize their mistake and beg for forgiveness from the Sikh Sangat in the presence of Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Guru-Roop Panj Pyaare. May Guru Sahib and generations to come forgive us for welcoming and allowing such Manmat to prevail in the House of Satguru Nanak.

    Editors can be reached at Editors@panthic.org

  3. Gurfateh Sadh Sangat Ji,

    I was just wondering about this book for couple of days which lead me to an question, has anyone of our members read this peace of work- Hum Hindu Nahin by Bhai Kahn Singh Nabha? If so,

    Please list of points on you agree and disagree with bhai sahib ji in that book, ie- do you agree with his approach, mindset, translations, interpertation? if yes/no please explain by giving specific examples.

  4. Some people say that you can get Naam from the 5 Beloved. But when we were in our mothers wombs we were doing Naam Jaap. Guru Ji says that this is why we're born to worship him through Naam and that being in this human form, we should'nt miss out in this opportunity. Guru Nanak Dev Ji preached to the world to not to forget the Creator.

    Is Naam really given to us by the 5 Beloved ones or is it our birth right?

    I dont think its approriate to say we get naam from panj pyares, since its been used for years, thats why we have conditioned to used that term- naam. In essence, we get shabad from panj pyares to awaken that naam(resonance/dhuni) in our surat which bind us all(universe). Right now our surat staying in kalyug-hence kalyugi jiv, when jiv starts doing shabad abhyas, shabad will infuse jiv's surat in it and take the surati of this jiv to upper mandala(realms).

    As sukhmani sahib says :

    Nau Nidh Amrit Prab ka Naam, Dehi mein eska bisram ||

    Bij Mantar Sarb Ko Gian ||

    This whole creation came from naam (Resosance) and will merge back in the resosance,

    Pirthame On(g)kar So Dhun Poran Jagat Mae Raha ||

    Fist ongkar was recited and that resosance created world and give nourishment to this world. (Siri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Dasam Granth Sahib)

    Ongkar aad kathni anad, Khal Khand Khyal Gurbar Akaal ||

    Ongkar Bhrama Utpat ||

    bhrama(creator) came from ongkar resosance.

    Ongkar Kiya Jin Chit ||

    Then bhrama did bhagti on ongkar for thousands of years. After that Nirgun asked him, what do you want? Bhram asked god to give him powers to create the world.

    Ongkar Saiyel Jug Paie ||

    Ongkar Vaid Nirvaie ||

    Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, with ongkar - Nirgun transcedents it's attributes into sargun

  5. Gurfateh Sadh Sangat Ji,

    This is a great post, it will reveal major misconceptions here that modern day groups have in their mind on samparda's.

    I concur fully with my brother- tsingh. Great post, you have put it nicely pretty much what i thought, just had a hard time putting into words.

    Modern days groups have a hard time understanding the concept of guru(gurdev/teacher) and satguru sahiban. They fully ignore the context of these two terms. They accuse samparda's of having cultish mentality (guru- shish relationship/sant-chela relationship), they question that relationship saying sri guru granth sahib ji is teacher of teachers(i have no doubts), but they question why you need a guide or another teacher? They don't know deciphering arths of gurbani is not work of agyani-tom, dick harry, but bhramgyani who has merged with dhur ki bani by shabad surat abhyaas, they are only ones give the sangat guidance to understand gurbani by using correct standard (context, various interpertations on level of understanding- shabad arth, antriv arth with uthanka). Calling bhramgyani an vidya gurdev or gurdev is not manmat, in hindustani culture - guru/gurdev is a teacher, thats what it means.

    If shish uses proper context to call bhramgyani an guru(teacher), i dont see any harm in it and it does not mean that shish is calling his teacher or comparing his teacher as satguru sahiban ( guru nanak dev ji avtar in kalyug).

    Also modern day groups also have a problem with samparda's- use sant (personality) ie- give naam , jugti to the jaiagaso. They accuse samparda's of lacking using panj pyares (guru pyares) as an guidance to the sangat.

    I agree with them to some extend that panj pyares should be used in matters, however, history* also tells us- that bhai dya singh ji was consider an mukhi (out of respect/satkar) by other beloveds, there is no doubt they were all bhramgyanis and mukht atama and history shows us that bha dya singh ji wasgiven jathedari within panj pyares di seva. Mukhi panj pyara- bhai dya singh ji dont neccasarily have to consult with other pyares before doing parchar because he was considered mukhi, there was no need for him to call other pyares in the sangat in cases of - giving atam updesh, jugti to the sangat.

    *History- soraj parkash granth chapter of bhai dya singh ji giving atam updesh to the sangat alone.

    So if mahapursh in a samparda(Dera) gives naam or jugti to his shish, i dont think there is anything wrong with that.

    Virkarat -Sant dalel singh ji maharaj used to give naam amrit to his shish without following sanaskar amrit (khanda amrit). I don't think thats anti-panthic , whole purpose of amrit is naam amrit anyway, if bhramgyani gave naam amrit without following outer aspect of amrit maryada that amrit is still valid only because he/she is bhramgyani not any of your joe-blow singh. To be fully politically correct, such amrit cannot be called as khanda da amrit however, it is 100% internal naam amrit (naam/shabad/gurmantar) which gurbani talks about.

  6. Gurfateh Sadh Sangat Ji,

    Here are the videos on full parchar of sri dasam granth sahib by panthic bodies/various sampardava (nihangs, nirmale, udasi , taksal):


    These video lectures is an tit for tat respond to those who spent their lifes disapproving sri dasam granth.

    These videos can be also downloaded from gurmarag host:

    Here are the download link:


  7. *Threads Closed due to personal attacks thrown back and forth by members, blatant attack on pbuh (mohammad sahib), also due to the fact topic on "10 Questions on Sikhism From Muslims / Ex-Sikhs" has been fatiguely debated and discussed *

    Anyone who creates more thread regarding this topic anymore, will get their thread deleted without any notice and get first formal warning.

  8. i find it funny that panthic.org accuses anyone else of hindu paranoia.

    i fully agree, they and off course along with khalsa alliance are wanna be panthic police online alert system of khalsa panth, dont know who gave them this seva?lol , they are highly parnoid, and scream bhramanvaad, hindumat at someone who doesnt beleive in their sharia version of sikhi, they are people with hyper senstative sensor button on them. then say out load- anti panthic, maha manmatt, dusth, panthic doki.

    arrogrant fussar panthis :roll:

  9. I took a interview of chardi-kalah nihang singh , he told me, nihang dals have problem with nirmale dual nature, sometimes, they are warriors and against british(ferengi) like baba sahib singh bedi, baba bir singh nurangabad, baba maharaj singh ji. However, sants from same samparda became more pacificist starting working for british regiments ie- sant karam singh ji hoti mardan, baba jawala singh ji , baba aya singh ji, baba attar singh ji reru sahib/maustnaewale. Nihang singhs from the dal also sees nirmale to mingle with everyone (including malech as they put it- sgpc and other new hybrid versions of new age sikhi).

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