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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. source: got this from sikhsangat forum

    The following letter of Bhai Mani Singh to Mata Sundar Kaur Ji (wife of Guru Gobind Singh Ji) clearly clarifies this subject that proves without any doubt that all the compiled `Banis` of the "Dasam Guru Granth` are the genuine `Banis` of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, and not of his poets. The original letter is given here with Punjabi and English translation.


    The Punjabi clear version of the above original letter.


    Bhai Mani Singh,a playmate, classmate and devoted disciple of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji , and a top -ranking scholar of his time. He survived the Guru by many years and was martyred at Lahore. This is an historic letter addressed by him from Amritsar to Mata Sundar Kaur Ji (the wife of Guru Gobind Singh Ji) at Delhi in April 1716.

    The English version of this letter runs thus:-

    Letter of Bhai Mani Singh to Mata Sundari Ji

    May the Almighty help us.

    Mani Singh makes his humble prostration at the holy feet of his venerable mother. Further news is that the climate of this place has aggravated my rheumatism and my health deteriorates fast. I will have to listen to the healing parable of the tertian fever. But my illness has caused no slackness in the performance of the holy service of the Hari Mandir (Golden Temple). The Khalsa no more hods away over the country and its power has waned. The Sikhs have migrated to the mountain retreats. The Malechhas reign supreme in the country. There is no security for the (Sikh) children and women in any habitation. They are hunted out and killed. The opposing states have also joined hands with them. The Hindalis spy on the Sikhs. All (the Sikhs) have deserted the Chak (The earliest name of Amritsar). The Mutsaddis (priests) have also fled. So far the Immortal Lord protects me. Tomorrow is uncertain. What is ordained by the Lord shall prevail. The adopted son of Binod Singh has passed away. Among the books I sent per Jhanda Singh, there is one entitled "303 Chritra Upakhyans" by the Lord (Guru Gobind Singh). Give that to Sihan Singh in the Mahal (Matia Mahal in the interior of Delhi City). So far there is no trace of the book "Nam Mala". I found the first part of "Krishna Avtar" but not the second. I shall send it when available. There is a rumour in the country that Banda (Bahadur) has made his good escape from the Emperor`s jail. May the Guru protect him. The Guru`s family (the descendants of the Guru) at Khandur have sent five tolas of gold as a gift for your son`s bride(an adopted son of Mata Ji, as all of her four sons were martyred already). Recover seventeen rupees from Jhanda Singh ; I gave him five rupees to meet the expenses of the journey?(?) These expenses will be incurred by him. The Mutsaddis have not yet settled accounts, otherwise I would have sent a draft from the city (presumably Lahore) . If my health improves I shall come in the month of assu.

    Baisakh 22

    Signed- Mani Singh,

    Guruchak, Bunga

    P.S. Reply in bamboo stick. (as being confidential)

  2. source: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/...ikh-parade.html

    In my opnion, this year nagar kirtan in surrey was bit positive... away from promoting fanatics/terrorist individuals like talvinder parmar and co.. more towards human rights abuses in india. But there is still need for lot of improvments.. for example- how come media was not introduced to history of vaishakhi but straight to 1984?? I didnt know organizers have 1984 before history of vaishakhi as their priortiy... also another thing again our sikhs failed to do is educate media again how movement founders were freedom fighters not terrorist by providing facts and an acknowledging how these movements were hijacked by criminals, thugs, fanatics, GOI agents, terrorists individuals..these things have to be done if you wish to repair image of sikhs in canada.

  3. That is exactly why Khalsa should always be Shastardhari. Most Bhagtiwalay Sikhs out there are only into Bhagti, but totally ignore the warrior aspect.

    are you suggesting they should fought back with our own singhs? did u just forgot reru sahib samparda belong to the great sipahi soorma- baba bir singh ji naurangabad who despite of having all the shastar vidya/thousands of warrior singhs didnt raise a sword against dogra sikhs instead fed dogra sikh army who came to attack baba bir singh ji naurangabad fauj and after attain shaheediya.

    sorry to say this, concept of shaheedi is not just soorma die fighting in battlefieled but much more deeper than this.. its also about controlling one's wrath and with humility respect your own brothers who are ought there to get you. One can argue how guru ji burn masanads.. all that is fine but bhramgyani mahapursh they have capablity to do the same but they dont because - Guru ji acts are sacred, they dont wish to copy guru ji actions..they wish not be in guru ji postions and fight against malech khalsa or masands.

    Above is the very mentality back in 1984 as well, sikhs had against dera wale mahapursh and satoguni singhs.. some of them audacity to claim back around sant jarnail singh ji bhindranwale time, all the dera's who didnt support the movement militanly were cowards and fakes. People need to read history of singhs around guru's time before question actions of mahapursh, if such people had their own way they would even call bhai kehaniya ji coward as well because he didnt carry shastars, his shastars were medicine/food to feed to the enemy.

  4. source: found on this sikhsangat wanted to get views from members here:

    Lately I've been watching all the drama over Tibet. One thing I notice is that all sorts of people, from different backgrounds and ages are willing to protest against China's treatment of Tibetans.

    What is the difference between us and Tibetans that make the western world turn a blind eye to what has happened to Sikhs?

    I sometimes get the notion that there is is some distrust and even hatred between the Anglo political setup and Sikhs. We all know that Sikhs were a powerful people prior to the British invasion of 1849, sometimes I think that many westerners in power would not like to see Sikhs in such a position again and are complicit in Sikh oppression, to make sure this is so. Also the economic relationship between Hindustan and the west would also make them turn a blind eye.

  5. can u guys please stick to the topic at hand?..debate regarding sri guru nanak dev ji was muslim or not is already been discussed and fatigued.

    Bahudar ali this is your last warning..if u bring up sri guru nanak dev ji was muslim one more time on a different topics...i ll make sure i wont just ban you ...but i ll just ban your goddamn host all together...u will beg to see sikhawareness in ur lifetime.

  6. I am sorry, but who is this Bhasauria character and Kala afghana? Could somebody, without any bias towards anybody, please, in detail explain what the who rukus is about?

    Also N30, in point 5, are you saying that women shouldn't wear keski? (I am not a akj), can I ask, why?

    unbreakable can you please show me where i have said women shouldnt wear keski?

    here is my point 5 again.. i ll bold the main concern of point 5:

    5. Teja Singh Bhausaria was staunch beleiver that women must wear keski, soo much soo the very first contoversy of keski being kakar was started by him, he passed away but he left behind his dangerous mindset claim/statements which crept into beleif system which many sikhs adhere to this day.
  7. Welcome to the forum nayan veer ji,

    Patt is patt veer, idea of nitnem is somewhat hijacked by ritualism, where people have pre-conceived notions that nitneem = 5 banis which is not correct.

    Nit- Everyday, Neem- remember vahiguroo.

    You can start your day with any banis you like after ishnaan, main idea is to vichar of them, go deeper into banis and try to understand what guru maharaj is saying via various steeks/teekas written by various mahapursh.

    There used to be two mahapursh, one mahapursh used to do its nitneem within 15 minutes with its surati (which is faster than human being vichar capablity), other mahapursh used to do same nitneem in 5 hrs.

    One may claim the first or second mahapursh have higher avastha but its wrong, their both avastha were same, one used to do bani with its surati and get the ras and other used to do bani with vichar, go really deep into each word and expereince it and get the same ras.

  8. This is the first time ever in brampton, Ontario where Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji was parkashed along with Sri Dasam Granth Sahib side by side... this is the first full puratan maryada was followed in the maharaj darbar along with arti-arta tradition/phula di varkha:

    Pictures are to be followed but for time being enjoy these beautiful videos:

    1st Video: (Arti-Arta with phula di varkha along with ardas after rehras sahib patt****must watch)


    2nd video: (Recitation of Ugardanti/Shastar Nam Mala)


    3rd video (Hakumnams taken from both sri guru granth sahib ji and sri dasam granth sahib ji)


    will uploaded these videos to google very shortly.

  9. Here is the video which was recorded in mississuaga gurdwara on march 30th on Sri Dasam Granth Sahib. Video is not at its greatest quality however audio quality is very good and clear:

    Here is the video download link:


    I only recorded him doing the lecture, if someone wish to see the whole web slide on sri dasam granth sahib:

    Here are the download links if you wish to see the whole slide slow on sri dasam granth sahib ji:

    the video is up on http://www.sridasamgranth.com/#/dasambanir...rbar/4527786793

    and http://youtube.com/watch?v=XiiXPt8jg1E

    will uploaded these videos to google very shortly.

  10. plate1.jpg

    Next month witnesses the most important auctions of a generation for the Sikh community as a rare piece of body armour that experts believe belonged to the tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, will be auctioned in one of London’s most prestigious auction houses.

    The armour plate carries the opening verse of “Akal Ustat” as found on the Guru’s personal “Raikot” sword:

    The inscription has been delicately applied on the plate’s central panel in gold koftgari, the traditional technique of overlaying gold wire onto a steel surface. The floral border and buckles that would have fastened the set together with straps are also lavishly decorated in gold koftgari work.

    In keeping with the highest standards associated with the Guru’s personal armoury, the plate’s central panel has been forged from “watered steel”, a fabled material better known in the West as Damascus Steel.

    Full article and info at: http://www.punjabheritage.org/material-her...ammer-2203.html

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