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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. shaheediyan veer,

    I was speaking to this gurmukh regarding this, he didn't say gristhi jevan includes meat but he didn't say it did either when he was speaking regarding bhai dya singh ji rehitnamas. I read it somewhere, also eating fish in gristhi jevan helps with developing healthy sperms. i may be wrong (please correct if i m wrong).

    p.s: just for record guys i am full veggie. I dont eat meat, fish or eggs.

  2. This already been discussed before, just to give you recap:

    According to the bhai dya singh rehitnama in khalsa panth, there are three ways of life and diet- one is for behinguman(celibate- strict satoguni diet) life style for tyagi sant, second is for gristhi (mixture of rajoguni and satoguni) and third is warrior hood- sipahi- rajoguni with tamoguni.

    1. Satoguni = strict veggie diet, food with no mirch masala ideal for samadhi and bhagti.

    2. Rajoguni- Strict veggie diet, food with mirch masala and other spices to live in gristhi life, I don't know about the specifics but based on puratan sadhus but there is certain rajoguni diet just to develop healthy sperm to reproduce healthy children.

    3. Tamoguni - Nihangs subscribe to this diet of chatka of meat with full maryada to keep up with their warrior tradition and life style of warrior hood.

    There is no set rule in the panth that in order to be warrior you would have to be non-veggie, there are many cases where soorma's were veg eg- baba sahib singh bedi, baba bir singh ji nauragabad, baba maharaj singh ji naurangabad. There are also many cases where soorma's were non veg.

    What Bhai Dya singh ji rehitnama gives us is the concept of different life style/dietary parvan and understanding in the panth so that we don't bicker with each other and go around in circles. One last observation, you won't find single source of historic events where meat was even debated in panthic circle, if you look back 150 years ago. All this debate and bickering just started recently because lack of understanding.

    over and out !.

  3. Vahigurooo, i feel the pain in him, its evident, you can tell he has suffered quite a bit and very emotionally drained kid. I only wish if someone can show him little direction towards gursikhi bairag marg which has bhagats from all caste and all professions pravan in gurbani, bhagat ravidas who was cobbler yet bhramgyani tasted his own atam ras. With bairaag and gyan one may look like beggar in the society eyes but they are kings of kings. May Vahiguroo give him shakti and show him right direction, at this vulnerable/emotional state, one could turn to be total atheist because of experience or lack of understanding or one could totally turn out to be tyagi bairaagi atma.

  4. from http://www.flickr.com/photos/singhandkaur/3271635264/

    "Harkeerat Singh and I are co-hosting a new TV show which airs on Joy TV (Channel 10) on Saturdays at 8:30am and 7:00pm. The show is focused on the teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji being explored in English. For the month of February it will air on Saturday mornings and evenings, but in March it will be just Saturday nights. If anyone has any suggestions for the show please e-mail us at seekingsikhism@gmail.com."

    Youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/seekingsikhism

    Special Vaisakhi Edition


    Death - Seeking Sikhism


    Love & Tolerance of Other Faiths - Seeking Sikhism


    Seeking Sikhism - Pleasure and Pain


    enjoy !


  5. One doesn't pay for Sins done through mind/thoughts(foorna). However, every effort must be made to subdue those thoughts of bad doing because one day sooner or late, mind will action that desire which had resided in the mind. As soon there is action, there is good or bad karam based on those actions.

  6. I believe Kirpan-da –Amrit was created by Hazoori Singhs as a necessity. The local women, whom the Singhs had to marry, were not as cultured in Sikh tradtion as the generational Punjabi Bibia. Since the women could not observe the full maryada, the Singhs modified the amrit ceremony for them. This allowed the singhs to marry a “sikhni” while at the same time upholding the sanctity of the full maryada Amrit sanchar ceremony, which was not being fulfilled with the local women being less observant after receiving the Amrit.

    Very good observation. I personally never thought of it from socio-cultural aspect. I really think what you said must be the case behind kirpan da amrit.

  7. I also agree shaheediyan veer ji. I don't think knee jerk reactions or passing fatwas against anti-Sikh writers is a way to go. They should be debated scholarly and beaten. Passing fatwas/summoning them without any scholarly debate only open doors to curiosity of regular joe blow people like us, its like rebellion mentality of kids, you tell the kids - not to do certain things or follow certain behavior without putting satisfying answers or reason, they do it more because they are curious and our human instinct have rebellious mentality.

  8. Sant jagjit singh ji harkhowale was causally speaking on this topic. He said Islam have 72 sects and are totally divided. We are also getting there. In punjab, there are dera's on each corner like hatti di dukhan. Even samparda's are not immune from this, they have also fell prey dividing themselves into many fragments within the samparda. He further said now days, no one wants to be sevadar but mukh sevadar.

    All this is bound to happen as kalyug doesn't spare anymore as people of all religions most of them have became adharami, jealous towards each other, have insecurities, big up their sects/orders over others, brainwash youths etc etc.

    My personal take on this, one should not be overly-attached with their samparda but main aim should be always reflecting on the tat gyan of gurmat/gurbani decipher by various school of thoughts/orders/samparda's.

    Whats the sangat view on this?

  9. Neo Ji what if there is no brahmgyani in the panj pyareh when giving out amrit? Is it still amrit? or will the effect it has on the indivduals be lesser? Do you think amrit is given to easily in this day and age? Also where can one take amrit where atleast one of the panj pyareh are brahmgyani?

    I don't think there would be any time in any dharam that there will be no bhramgyani. Have no doubt, Amrit is from Guru and its eternal. Outer amrit is given to students so that students can do abhayas and awake internal amrit- Nauo nidh amrit prabh ka naam dehi meh iska bisram ||. Whoever so administer it varies and effect it has on individuals are subtle but its important, if there are no bhramgyanis in the panj pyares. Lets just put it this way, if avastha of student who is taking amrit is higher than panj pyares who is giving amrit and intentions of student is to genuinely to merge with Vahiguroo then there is no effect.

    Ultimately, regardless of avastha of panj pyares, they are guru roop when they are in panj pyares seva should not be demonize.

    Amrit is given easily these days there is no doubt, so as qualification of being in panj pyares seva. We cannot change this but its important to be aware of such changes.

  10. As a general rule, only panj pyares can give you naam. Its very important to have atleast one bhramgyani in panj pyares so that intensity of amrit given by Guru's and panj pyares back in 1699 is kept. There is only one documented case after 1699 where sikh have received the amrit from panj pyares who were all bhramgyanis. That was maharaja yadvinder singh i beleive or someone from his family lineage. I forgot the rest of bhramgyanis name but two were- sant jawala singh ji harkhowale and sant nand singh ji maharaj. Basically they all came together from different samparda's to give amrit to this singh in form of panj pyares.

    In most amrit sanchars, one of panj pyare is consider mukhi and spokeperson and gives you naam in form of panj pyares. But there are exceptional cases of bhramgyanis from puratan samparda's where naam along with naam jugti from gurbani is directly received from sant who have in the past taken part in panj pyares seva and consider a mukhi.

    Please read chapter of atamgian between bhai dya singh ji and the sangat. In that chapter, it does not directly talks about this. However, bhai dya singh ji gives atamupdesh to the sangat, jugtiya to the sangat. From there you can draw the parallelism to naam jugti.

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