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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. I am sure you guys heard, libyan secret service agent who was convicted on bombing of pan am 103 flight back in 1988 which killed 270 people just released recently from Scotland and sent back to his home country based on compassionate grounds.

    I just wanted to find your views on his release and Scotland laws on compassionate grounds?

    Here is video of Scotland justice minister announcing his release and the reasons for it:


    He is getting quite a welcome in his home country because people believed he was innocent:


    Libyan bomber written statement was read out by his lawyer:


    Please share your views on this.

  2. When this forum started...there was this guy with various alias on here..but i used to call him - pandit..he used to spread his rss stuff...he was biggest rss online..he spent all his life on the forum to spread his views...i challenge him with many debates ..back then he used to have little edge over the debates because i didn't understood sikh theology very well. But now i can say by maharaj kirpa i have fair bit of understanding on sikh philosphy and theology. If he is reading this msg..i welcome him here for a debate.

  3. Also author of this video breached some serious privacy laws posting pictures of people without consent. The sad one, they put picture of old baba with patka on without interviewing or asking for premission.. what kinda twisted photo journalism is this? They way passed of guerrilla photo journalism panthic website uses.

  4. This is not a way to do parchar man..what are these people thinking? Gurmat/Manmat intimidation club can only get you soo far. I am sure every mona who saw this video buildup up more hatred towards amritdhari singhs than they had originally due to misunderstanding. It has to be approached differently. The problem is every tom, d!ck harry thinks they have same charisma as sant jarnail singh bhindranwale when they do try to blunt parchar. Most of times, it just backfires..they would need to use different approach or best just concentrate on their own sikhi let bibeki singhs and senior gurmukhs with gyan handle the parchar of Sikhi.

  5. Just wanted to rephrase, not all kharkos were motivated by revenge. I meant to some. I like to also clarify, fanaticism is global problem is not bound to one religion. All fanatics be it - christians, islamic/muslims, buddhists, hindus, sikhs, jaini, communist, socialist, capitalist, atheist all are threat to this humanity...!!. They do not need to be jailed in Guantanamo bay nor killed, their hate parchar and form of recruit has to be rooted out from the seed if you want to save humanity...!

  6. for god's sake, didnt you read his post at 09:37pm. waheguru can send thousands of messengers, but if they fall prey to the vices of humanity's bad tendencies, then how is that god's fault? what you are implying borders on blasphemy. god may have sent mohammed, but it was mohammed's choice to shag a 9 year old girl. waheguru cannot micromanage our lives, otherwise what would be the point of reincarnation? waheguru can guide us, but only if we listen. its our fault if we choose to ignore waheguru and force others to believe the lies we spin to silence our conscience.

    I think we are looking at puratan rishis/munis/pir/pagamvar/prophets lives with goggles of Western Victorian standards. Which is bit unfair. If you have problem with Mohammad marriage with 9 year old girl. Then I am sure you would have problems with lives of our Guru's and their multiple wives/consort at very young age. Again i am not comparing Guru Maharaj ji avastha and Mohammad. I consider Guru Maharaj ji - aap narayan vahiguroo ji. However, sometimes lives of prophets/avtars have to be compared to give reality checks.

    p.s- I think we are going off-topic now.

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