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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. Here is the description of this picture:

    This photo is the 'Pulitzer Prize' winning photo taken in 1994 during the Sudan famine. This picture depicts a famine stricken child crawling towards the United Nations food camp, located a kilometer away.

    The vulture is waiting for the child to die, so he can eat it. No one knows what happened to the child in the end, including the photgrapher Kevin Carter who left the place as soon as the photo was taken.

    Three months later he commited suicide due to depression.


  2. I was just contemplating on shabad-

    Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji writes:

    Āaḏ gur▫e namah

    Jugāḏ gur▫e namah

    Saṯgur▫e namah

    Srī gurḏev▫e nameh ||

    Based on various tekas, arth of this shabad above are more sakar/sargun. From the context of uthanka arth(as it was believed sri guru arjan dev ji dedicated this shabad to his previous guru maharaj), anyway here are arth given as follows:

    Aad Gur E Nameh - Guru Nanak Dev Ji Ko Namaskar

    Jugad Gur E Nameh- Guru Angad Dev Ji Ko Namaskar

    Satgur E Nameh - Sri Guru Amar Das Ji Ko Namaskar.

    Sri Gurdev E Nameh - finally my present gurdev- Sri Guru Ram Das Ji Ko Namaskar. Note - Sri indicates one being around maya and controlling the maya.

    That is clearly sargun upasana, it shows there is no black and white rule in Sikhism, when it comes to meditation. Sargun is equally parvan in our dharam, as surti goes more subtle and subtle towards nirgun, one realizes more deep adhyatamic/spiritual meaning of the same shabad, more towards nirgun upasana.

    Āaḏ gur▫e namah

    Jugāḏ gur▫e namah

    Saṯgur▫e namah

    Srī gurḏev▫e nameh ||

    I bow to the guiding consciousness that takes us to realisation.

    I bow to wisdom througout the ages.

    I bow to True wisdom.

    I bow to the great unseen Wisdom.


  3. “Karta Singh is one of the original students of Yogi Bhajan and runs the excellent Amrit Naam Sarovar community in the French Alps – he is the foremost authority in Kundalini Yoga in Europe and devoted Gurmukh who seeks to learn and preserve Gurus traditions – be them Gurmukhi, History, Raag Kirtan etc.

    For information contact Sat Sri Singh Khalsa on sss@kundalini-khalsa.com

    For anyone interested in a beautiful holiday – I would also recommend visiting the Amritnaam Sarovar retreat (set in a gorgeous valley in the French Alps).

    Please see attachment for more info below:


  4. There is quite bit of hype of new revolutionary album by babbu mann- Singh is better than king.

    source: http://sikhactivist.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=160:singh-better-than-king&catid=59:blog&Itemid=52

    Singh is better than king.

    The rumours say he was a guerrilla fighter during the insurgency and uprising of peasants during 1984. A year ago, he would have been best known for his misogynistic tracks (exploitative and disrespectful of women) like "one night stand".


    Today, Babbu Maan's words speak about the trials and tribulations of the Punjab, how it being cheated and how its are stained with the blood of exploitated people. Touching on topics ranging from Farmers Rights, Centralized Power in Delhi to the Exploitation of Spirituality, Babbu Maan goes as far as calling for an armed revolution, giving all the more reason for why many of his songs have been banned in India (arguably an indication of what he's doing right)

    Perhaps something has inspired Babbu Maan to reconcile his past and slowly began a trek towards the calls for justice that echo from the uprising of 1984. Whatever it is that has that inspired him, we should have seen it coming with movies like "Hawaaiyen" and music tracks like "Kabza".

    Regardless, his upcoming project "Singh Better Than King" already gives a lot to look forward too and if we're lucky we'll be seeing the release of his rumoured movie "Shaheedi: Satwant Singh & Beant Singh". For more on his upcoming album and rumoured movie check out the promos below.

    enjoy !


  5. With all the arguing and bickering going on the forum lately, can i request all of the members to close their eyes and reflect on this maha mantra.

    Nothing will go with us, all these forums, arguements, counter arguments will vanish with the body, only thing will come with us is this:

    Ik0ngkar Satinam Karta Purkh Nirbhau Nirvaraie Akaal Moraat Ajooni Saihbhang Gurparsad ||

  6. UK NEWS


    Thursday October 15,2009

    By Martyn Brown

    A RADICAL Muslim group sparked outrage last night as it launched a massive campaign to impose sharia law on Britain.

    The fanatical group Islam4UK has ­announced plans to hold a potentially ­incendiary rally in London later this month.

    And it is calling for a complete upheaval of the British legal system, its officials and ­legislation.

    Members have urged Muslims from all over Britain to converge on the capital on October 31 for a procession to demand the full implementation of sharia law.

    On a website to promote their cause they deride British institutions, showing a mock-up picture of Nelson’s Column surmounted by a minaret.

    Plans for the demonstration have been ­delivered to the Metropolitan Police and could see up to 5,000 extremists marching to demand the controversial system.

    The procession – dubbed March 4 Shari’ah – will start at the House of Commons, which the group’s website describes as the “very place where the lives of millions of people in the UK are changed and it is from here where unjust wars are launched”.

    The group then intends to march to 10 Downing Street and “call for the removal of the tyrant Gordon Brown from power”.

    The march will then converge on Trafalgar Square where protesters expect it “will gather even more support from tourists and members of the public, making clear in the heart of London the need for Shari’ah in society”.

    The group declared: “We hereby request all Muslims in the United Kingdom, in Manchester, Leeds, Cardiff, Glasgow and all other places to join us and collectively declare that as submitters to Almighty Allah, we have had enough of democracy and man-made law and the depravity of the British culture.

    “On this day we will call for a complete upheaval of the British ruling system its members and legislature, and demand the full implementation of Shari’ah in Britain.”


    Last night politicians and fellow Muslims condemned the group’s incendiary comments, which come in the wake of recent violent incidents in towns and cities like Manchester, Birmingham and Luton, Beds.

    Conservative MP and ex-Army officer Patrick Mercer said: “It is extremely distasteful and is stoking the fires of fear within the British public. “If anyone thinks that those views are a step forward in society they are seriously deluded. They are repellent and repulsive.”

    The group was also attacked by Tory MP Philip Davies who said: “This march is clearly a deliberate and provocative attempt to incite racial tension and disrupt community cohesion.

    “The simple solution is for these people to move to a country which already has sharia law.”

    A spokesman for the Islamic Society of Britain said: “99.999 per cent of Muslims despise these people. This only serves to fuel racial ­tensions.”

    And Tory MP and Daily Express columnist Ann Widdecombe, said: “You cannot have two legal systems side by side and the one we have now works and the British people are perfectly happy with it.”

    The rally has not yet been given final approval. A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said: “We have received an application for the march but we have yet to meet with the organisers.”

    A Home Office spokesman said: “Everyone has the right to express their view so long as it is done sensibly, without violence and does not incite religious hatred.”

    Plans for the march are revealed on the website Islam4UK, which is fronted by preacher Anjem Choudary who has also called for all British women to wear burkhas.

    Explaining the Nelson’s Column mock-up he said that under sharia law the construction and elevation of statues or idols is prohibited and consequently the statue of Nelson “would be removed and demolished without hesitation”. At the base of the column the friezes would be replaced with Islamic decoration and giant urns would be filled with gold coins for the poor.

    Mr Choudary has said that under sharia law in Britain people who commit adultery would be stoned to death, adding that “anyone who becomes intoxicated by alcohol would be given 40 lashes in public”.

    He has also mocked the deaths of British soldiers, and branded an Army homecoming parade a “vile parade of brutal murderers”.


  7. I am sure you guys heard of blasting speech by Sir Moammar Gadhaffi at UN last week- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvOo5LK22sg... just wanted to know what you guys think of it? Also watch here is the interview of gadhaffi with fareed zakira of CNN http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/fareed.zakaria.gps/.

    Few things I find it very interesting from gadhaffi's interview which i will mention it here:

    - By heart Gadhaffi is Socialist.

    - When CNN anchor asked gadhaffi how outside world perceive libya citizen was behind lockerbie bombing and that perception was reinforced when Libya compensate each victims with 11 million dollars then why he was given hero's welcome????? Gadhaffi responded calmly, Libya accepted civil responsibility of bombing due to one of its own citizen but don't consider al megrahi criminally responsible for the bombing. {ps I am not saying al megrahi was innocent or guilty, just stating what he thought about al megrahi.)

    - Wherever he goes, he lives in a tent, shows tyaagi santokhi birthi despite of being a multi-millionaire.

    - I didn't know he wrote three book series how economy should be handled and west should follow socialism ideals. One of his book called green book, here is bit more about them:

    The Green Book Broken Down

    The Green Book is a collection of three volumes published between 1976 and 1979.

    Book One: Published in 1976, the first volume, “The Authority of the People,” is Libya’s equivalent of The Federalist Papers—a series of essays on government theory and how best the people should govern themselves. (Needless to say, the comparison to the Federalist is meant purely as a reflection of the Green Book’s presumption, not its style or substance.)

    The volume expounds on the failure of parliamentary democracy (it is unthinkable that democracy should mean the electing of only a few representatives to act on behalf of great masses. This is an obsolete structure”) and the failure of tribal and class systems, and their replacement by what Qaddafi calls “Popular Conferences and the People's Committees.” Those conferences and people’s committees have not been a factor in Libya’s development (and stagnation) since 1969.

    Book Two: The second volume, “The Solution of the Economic Problem: Socialism,” was published in 1978. It calls for the end of a wage- and rent-based economy, to be replaced by self-employment or economic partnerships.

    “Wage-earners are but slaves to the masters who hire them,” Qaddafi writes. The solution? “The ultimate solution lies in abolishing the wage-system, emancipating people from its bondage and reverting to the natural laws which defined relationships before the emergence of classes, forms of governments and man-made laws. These natural rules are the only measures that ought to govern human relations.”

    It’s not clear what Qaddafi means by abolishing wages resulting from “production” and replacing them with income as “a private matter” that “should either be managed privately to meet one's needs or be a share from a production process,” though in a few examples presented later in the book Qaddafi seems to suggest that people should earn whatever satisfies their needs and no more. He does not define the line between need and luxury, or need and indulgence.

    Book Three: The third volume, “The Social Basis of the Third International Theory,” was published in 1979. Jana, the Libyan news agency, reported at the time that people converged on bookstores “in orderly queues” to pick up their copy.

    Libyans read about Qaddafi’s ideas on “The Nation, “The Tribe,” on women, on black people, minorities, education, music and art, “sports, horsemanship and the stage.” Readers will likely find this volume the most entertaining of the three for its Vico-like, all-encompassing generalities. But Qaddafi prefers dourness to Vico’s exuberance, and of course Qaddafi’s thoughts have none of the charm and reach (to say nothing of the influence) of Vico’s.

    On blacks: “The population of other races has decreased because of birth control, restrictions on marriage, and constant occupation in work, unlike the Blacks, who tend to be less obsessive about work in a climate which is continuously hot.”

    On music and art: “Humans, being backward, are still unable to speak one common language. Until this human aspiration is attained, which seems impossible, the expression of joy and sorrow, of what is good and bad, beautiful and ugly, comfortable and miserable [...]--all will be expressed according to the language each person speaks spontaneously.”

    On sport: “Boxing and wrestling are evidence that mankind has not rid itself of all savage behaviour.” Qaddafi must’ve anticipated Friday night Smackdown.

    He certainly seems humble, more educated, someone who walks on che guvera revolution than your typical middle eastern mullah leader.

    What are your thoughts? :D

    Please discuss....!!! :envelope:

  8. I was just reading through discourse on beyond series, it explains explicitly the journey of this jev's surti towards dasam dwaur, panch(pritham) shabad anhad vajaie, it explains in total of ten anhad shabad dhuni. Surprisingly, these anhad shabad dhuni all from puratan saaj/instruments.

    For me it further reinforces gurbani vaak:

    ਪੀਪਾ ॥

    peepaa ||



    ਕਾਯਉ ਦੇਵਾ ਕਾਇਅਉ ਦੇਵਲ ਕਾਇਅਉ ਜੰਗਮ ਜਾਤੀ ॥

    kaayo dhaevaa kaaeiao dhaeval kaaeiao jangam jaathee ||

    Within the body, the Divine Lord is embodied. The body is the temple, the place of pilgrimage, and the pilgrim.

    13 Dhanaasree Saint Pipa

    ਕਾਇਅਉ ਧੂਪ ਦੀਪ ਨਈਬੇਦਾ ਕਾਇਅਉ ਪੂਜਉ ਪਾਤੀ ॥੧॥

    kaaeiao dhhoop dheep neebaedhaa kaaeiao poojo paathee ||1||

    Within the body are incense, lamps and offerings. Within the body are the flower offerings. ||1||

    13 Dhanaasree Saint Pipa

    ਕਾਇਆ ਬਹੁ ਖੰਡ ਖੋਜਤੇ ਨਵ ਨਿਧਿ ਪਾਈ ॥

    kaaeiaa bahu khandd khojathae nav nidhh paaee ||

    I searched throughout many realms, but I found the nine treasures within the body.

    14 Dhanaasree Saint Pipa

    ਨਾ ਕਛੁ ਆਇਬੋ ਨਾ ਕਛੁ ਜਾਇਬੋ ਰਾਮ ਕੀ ਦੁਹਾਈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥

    naa kashh aaeibo naa kashh jaaeibo raam kee dhuhaaee ||1|| rehaao ||

    Nothing comes, and nothing goes; I pray to the Lord for Mercy. ||1||Pause||

    14 Dhanaasree Saint Pipa

    ਜੋ ਬ੍ਰਹਮੰਡੇ ਸੋਈ ਪਿੰਡੇ ਜੋ ਖੋਜੈ ਸੋ ਪਾਵੈ ॥

    jo brehamanddae soee pinddae jo khojai so paavai ||

    The One who pervades the Universe also dwells in the body; whoever seeks Him, finds Him there.

    15 Dhanaasree Saint Pipa

    ਪੀਪਾ ਪ੍ਰਣਵੈ ਪਰਮ ਤਤੁ ਹੈ ਸਤਿਗੁਰੁ ਹੋਇ ਲਖਾਵੈ ॥੨॥੩॥

    peepaa pranavai param thath hai sathigur hoe lakhaavai ||2||3||

    Peepaa prays, the Lord is the supreme essence; He reveals Himself through the True Guru. ||2||3||

    Please post your thoughts!!!!!!!!!! :D :D

  9. Sri Gurdev Patsah says in his dhur ki bani:

    Nanak Satgur Bhetiya Poori Hovaie Jugat |

    Hasandaie Khelendiya Pehendiya Kavandaiya Viche Hovaie Mukht ||

    [Ang- 522]

    How does one define hasandaiya, khelendiya, pehendiya, kavandaiya from above pankiti?

    For me, this pankiti advise all of us to be raja yogi yet be nirlaip from maya. Someone can really take this out of context, i think one can integrate into western society to the point it does effect one's aim to get salvation, as soon it starts effecting one spirituality, one should take a step back. Besides 4 kurahits there are no set rules, its relative to each individual, as each one is sitting with different surti with different level of avastha.

    Please post your thoughts :D

  10. taken from : sikhsangat

    Facts to date:

    1 Talwinder Singh Parmar is widely considered by Canadian and other objective investigators as the mastermind behind the 1985 Air India bombing.

    2 Despite these allegations, Parmar was given a special visa by India and quietly returned to India, while Canadian authorities were actively investigating the mass crime.

    3 Shortly thereafter, the Indian government announced that Parmar was killed by the Indian police in "an encounter".

    4 The Canadian government asked for an autopsy report. The Indians refused, citing that it was an "internal matter". To date, they have provided no proof.

    5 The new book (describe hereinunder) gives further evidence that Parmar was working hand-in-glove with Indian operatives.

    6 Parmar was not the only Indian operative functioning thus in North America. General Bhuller, who suddenly surfaced in North America alongwith Parmar shortly after June 1984, founded the World Sikh Organization ("WSO"), made repeated incendiary and sensational statements against India ... but made sure the WSO did nothing meaningful. He was later "withdrawn" to India and the government authorities publicly acknowledged that he was an Indian operative.

    7 General Bhuller was then sent to do similar "work" amongst the Tamils in South India and Sri Lanka. Not long thereafter, the Tamils avenged the government meddling by assassinating Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.


    Shocking revelations are made in a new book to be released next week, authored by former Canadian intelligence officer Michel Juneau-Katsuya and Montreal investigative journalist Fabrice de Pierrebourg.

    Juneau-Katsuya spent more than two decades with the RCMP Security Service and Canadian Security Intelligence Service. De Pierrebourg specializes in security and intelligence issues and authored the 2008 bestseller Montrealistan ...

    Over 371 pages, the pair expose an astonishing parade of spy-vs.-spy and espionage stories, from Russian post-Cold War escapades to allegations of India's suspected involvement in the 1985 Air India disaster ...

    Talwinder Singh Parmar who is widely named as the mastermind of the 1985 Air India bombing, may actually have been an agent provocateur dispatched by the Indian secret service to work undercover inside Canada's "Little Punjab" community, the book alleges.

    "This hypothesis comes from one of our sources," write the authors. The source claims CSIS intercepted a conversation in which Davinder Ahluwalia, then India's consul in Toronto, asked a contact in the Sikh community to arrange a meeting with the late Parmar.

    "Ahluwalia's office was bugged, and the alleged conversation took place several months before the bombing. So, a highly-placed diplomat tried to arrange a meeting with a man considered to be Terrorist Number One. This same Ahluwalia had also been repeatedly approached by the Central Intelligence Agency ... because they wanted him to become their mole in Iran." ...

    Many countries "send agents to Canada to report on the behaviour of their emigrant community. Some instruct agents to occasionally silence dissident voices. There have been assassinations." Juneau-Katsuya elaborated in an interview last Friday.

    "There were very, very strong suspicions that in the Iranian community and the Sikh community and even in the Tamil community, (that) there have been assassinations that took place. (They) were investigated as crimes, but we know that they took place" for political reasons.


    [Courtesy: The Ottawa Citizen]

  11. I know this news is old but i just saw this video, just wanted to know what you guys think about this video on Luton protest against British soldiers when they came back from Iraq. Here is an interview with Anjem Choudary protest leader explaining his reasons:

    Please post your thoughts.. :grin:

    My thoughts are obvious echoes sentiments from the past rule of british in India committing many atrocities, I would too protest against the soldiers if army start deploying in punjab in future and start killing innocent civilians. However may be i would tone down the rhetoric speech a bit in armies home country.

  12. Char padarath, je ko mange

    Sadh jana ki, seva lage ||

    Char padarth are known as:

    1. Dharam - Discipline. Understanding of his or her duties i.e virtues(Ethics)

    2. Arath - Assets. he or she has no shortage of money, precious metals, pearls etc & has obtained the desired wealth.

    3. Kaam - Desire. His or her all desired gets fulfilled from marriage to children.

    4. Moksh - Liberation. He or she attains emancipation.

    After reading the above pankti it just seems like marg of sadh jana ki seva is also parvan in Sikhi. Now main question comes down to, what is context of seva of sadh jana in this above pankiti? is it simply doing seva of singular sadh? or is it doing seva of everyone seeing jot of sadh/murshid in everyone? or above pankiti means seva of sadh sangat/sat sangat.

    Please discuss..! :sikh:

  13. I had this question in my mind for longest time. I wanted to find out, what were the legal laws if any around time of Sikh Kingdom Shere Punjab run by maharaja ranjit singh ji?. Can anyone who have done research on this topic, shed some light on this? were they fully secular accommodated for all cultures, religions of that region? or were they influenced by religions ie - sharia?

    Please share your input in this. I am currently researching on this, i ll ask few learned gyanis in my area.

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