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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. This clearly shows anti dasam granth people have edge over us and having last laugh in Toronto. Lets recap just last week events, anti dasam granth people barred entry to sikhs in to gurdwara (which is open to everyone by sikh standards) but by law standard (private property) which got few ultra orthodox sikhs riled up and use violence but ending up stabbing of man with kirpan. Darshan and his party used this event to gain momentum and sympathy in their cause and made us looks like fanatics and then using sympathetic media to spew peace of crap article like above.

    They are playing hardcore politics here. Ultra orthodox ankhi singhs should learn something from this, times are different now so they must preserve their bir ras energy and use it somewhere else and must respond to these guys with chankya type politics.

    Media finally found their imaginary divide between moderates and fundamentalist within sikhs to be real now.

  2. I saw that video, simply sickening. You will heard comments like - run those down bastards, hahaha in full video after shooting..its sickening to the stomach...it almost feel like these people get pleasure killing those people. They are cold blooded killers in army clothes. They must be happy to know they will get medals when they go back home and people back home in states will look up to them especially youngsters but at the end, there is super power- Vahiguroo is watching everything- lekha dena paina.

  3. This is great news...!!!. I urge Canadian Sikhs should consult US Sikh Law body in future protest. This is how things should be done. Protest is double edge sword, all these placards/protest can be used to gain sympathy in general public or cause nuisance in regular joe blow citizen daily chores where it starts interruption their life ie- block roads/transit delay in protest against war criminals. But nothing come close to group of lawyers who knows politicians/senators using amnesty reports and evidence and present to the court having them banned.




    Sikhs for Justice (SFJ), a U.S. based non-profit national human rights advocacy group, has filed an historic civil lawsuit under the Alien Tort Claims Act against India's Union Minister, Kamal Nath, for his participation in the 1984 genocide of the Sikhs in Delhi, India. SFJ filed the suit along with two individuals who were directly affected by the November 1984 Sikh genocide.The lawsuit has been docketed (10 CV 2940 ) in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, and has been assigned to Honorable Judge Sweet. The District Court has issued a summons and Minister Nath must respond within 21 days.

    Minister Kamal Nath is accused of human rights violations for being a leader in India's 1984 genocide of 3,000 Sikhs and the displacement of over 300,000 Sikhs. On November 1st 1984 Kamal Nath was a member of Parliament and was witnessed leading an armed mob in which many of Sikh were burnt alive during an attack on a Sikh temple in New Delhi.

    According to SFJ attorney Pannun lawsuit against Kamal Nath has been filed under ALIEN TORT CLAIMS ACT(ATCA) AND THE TORTURE VICTIM PROTECTION ACT (TVPA) because of the failure of the Indian government to enforce human rights protections and hold violators accountable. According to attorney Gurpatwant S. Pannun, of Sikhs for Justice "U.S. law provides a remedy to victims of human rights violations that have been committed abroad and allows the victims to bring a lawsuit against the perpetrator in the U.S. Federal District Court." Attorney Pannun added that "Despite several witnesses who saw Kamal Nath inciting and leading the mob, Nath has been successfully escaping justice under the Indian system for more than 25 years using his influence and position in the ruling Congress (I) party.

    SFJ is holding a Justice Rally against Minister Nath's U.S. visit this Thursday, April 8thfrom 7A.M. – 10 A.M at 49th Street and 6th Avenue (in front of the McGraw Hill Building) where Kamal Nath will be attending a gathering of the U.S. India Business Council. The rally organized by Sikhs for Justice is being supported by the Gurudwara Management Committees across the United States.

    Summons against Kamal Nath




    Sikhs for Justice (SFJ), a U.S. based non-profit national human rights advocacy group, has filed an historic civil lawsuit under the Alien Tort Claims Act against India's Union Minister, Kamal Nath, for his participation in the 1984 genocide of the Sikhs in Delhi, India. SFJ filed the suit along with two individuals who were directly affected by the November 1984 Sikh genocide.The lawsuit has been docketed (10 CV 2940 ) in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, and has been assigned to Honorable Judge Sweet. The District Court has issued a summons and Minister Nath must respond within 21 days.

    Minister Kamal Nath is accused of human rights violations for being a leader in India's 1984 genocide of 3,000 Sikhs and the displacement of over 300,000 Sikhs. On November 1st 1984 Kamal Nath was a member of Parliament and was witnessed leading an armed mob in which many of Sikh were burnt alive during an attack on a Sikh temple in New Delhi.

    According to SFJ attorney Pannun lawsuit against Kamal Nath has been filed under ALIEN TORT CLAIMS ACT(ATCA) AND THE TORTURE VICTIM PROTECTION ACT (TVPA) because of the failure of the Indian government to enforce human rights protections and hold violators accountable. According to attorney Gurpatwant S. Pannun, of Sikhs for Justice "U.S. law provides a remedy to victims of human rights violations that have been committed abroad and allows the victims to bring a lawsuit against the perpetrator in the U.S. Federal District Court." Attorney Pannun added that "Despite several witnesses who saw Kamal Nath inciting and leading the mob, Nath has been successfully escaping justice under the Indian system for more than 25 years using his influence and position in the ruling Congress (I) party.

    SFJ is holding a Justice Rally against Minister Nath's U.S. visit this Thursday, April 8thfrom 7A.M. – 10 A.M at 49th Street and 6th Avenue (in front of the McGraw Hill Building) where Kamal Nath will be attending a gathering of the U.S. India Business Council. The rally organized by Sikhs for Justice is being supported by the Gurudwara Management Committees across the United States.

    Summons against Kamal Nath

    Complaint against Kamal Nath

    SIKHS FOR JUSTICE, a US based human rights advocacy group, which is striving to disseminate true and correct information, statistics, figures and data regarding the Genocide of Sikhs in November 1984 and is mobilizing Human Rights Groups and International Community on a common platform. SIKHS FOR JUSTICE is pursuing the legal battle to get the justice for the victims of November 1984 Sikh Genocide with the support of ALL INDIA SIKH STUDENTS FEDERATION, a social political organization headed by Karnail Singh Peermohammad. SFJ maintains that the genocide of India's Sikh population was state orchestrated because Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was killed by two Sikh bodyguards.


  4. Looks like Darshan Paapi is succeeding in creating even more problems for the Khalsa Panth:


    This is getting ridiculous. Opportunist will flame this incident to fresh debate over kirpan, all this have done is made law abiding amritdhari singh who wears kirpan made their life living hell.

    Whichever idiot did that should be glad now after reading this news? He should be criminally charged and should be condemn by panth- akaal takhth sahib and Canadian Sikh Body. I don't care which ankhi group you belong to how righteous our intentions were, this is not India, this happened in Canada. In Canada, you expected to follow the laws of this country, regardless who painful it is suck it up regardless of your views, you are expected to follow the laws of this country regardless of your religion. Religion is separate from law. In our personal life, dharam we live and die for. But in social life, Canadian law is above that is something we have to suck it up painfully or with kushi regardless if dharam yudh maryada allows it or not. We are not sitting in times of monarch where we can handle cases like this, we live in democratic society where must follow their laws or we can simply go back to our place where we came from. All this fiasco with sikh lehar center and stabbing should have been handled by law first, fine couple of pushes and punches here and there because emotions are high or fine but getting to the point, where fellow sikh stabbed another person with kirpan (where all means are fatigued) takes it to extreme should be condemned at all levels.

    I am not a sheep either who think kirpan is a symbol only but before ankhi sikhs who does not give two hoots about laws of this country consider kirpan as weapon, consider they have themselves promoted kirpan as article of faith/symbol in this country (which is the way it should be in abroad). My point is- if you have presented kirpan as article of faith in this country better treat kirpan as article of faith not as blunt weapon. Otherwise we are looking fwd to get kirpans banned from Canada. Remember this is not accommodating one group of people, this is about accommodating everyone who lives in Canada. One freedom of speech or movement becomes an crime/assault as soon as it touches fellow citizen tip of the nose.

  5. I am planning a trip to India next year, will be going to hemkunt sahib along with Gurdwara Patthar Sahib in Leh, Ladakh (Land of tibet buddhist monks) where sri guru nanak dev ji is known as Lama Guru Gompka Maharaj. I just wanted to know if anyone went there. I heard its quite scenic beautiful mountainous area But I also heard weather is quite rough in leh, ladakh. Gurdwara is in bad condition?

    Any information on this would be much appreciated..!! :D

  6. Maff Karna but if Guru Maharaj ji were staunchly against ishanan at tirath. You wouldn't see amritsarovar at Darbar Sahib and sakhi of premi kohra and famous leper sakhi at darbar sahib.

    Nobody is claiming tirath ishanan can get you mukhti or is mahan over naam simran. But I have news for bhaaji/peenji belongs to gurmat/manmat club "NO ITS NOT SIN OR MANMAT" to have a ishnan at tirath asthan. so get over your hyper-tension/parnoia over sants taking ishnan at tirath.

  7. I think there are many people in our panth are agnostic but sad thing is they don't even know it. Lets look at the definition of agnostic:

    1 : a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god.

    There are baptised sikhs and just kesdhari sikhs who are influenced by Victorian type sikhi and have protestant view of sikhi some call them comrad types, they refuse to concept grasp or accept - sargun form of god in Sikhism and will call it bhaminvaad. It denies existence of sargun form of god. So whats left? Nirgun form of god which is non-existent in their mind. After they spent some time reciting gurbani in their daily routine, thoughts can easily come- whats the point? what are we praying to?. They go through extreme dubta within their mind that they are just sikhs from outside, 5 kakari or keshadhari but inside they are pretty much agnostics, they don't even know it. They just live an life as an 5 kakari or keshadhari sardar.

    Solution- They are not totally misguided as atheist but they can be bought into panth which beleives in Vahiguroo ji in both forms be it both nirgun and sargun. If they can experience some sort of mysticism while they do nitneem in their daily routine experience mysticism while listening or reciting simran in Gurdwara or if they manage to listen to discourses on nirgun and sargun form of God by an bhramgyani/mahapursh or utam katha vachik.

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