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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. It appears there are three issues people have concern with:

    1. Why she is wearing a make up with dastar on her head?

    This one is already discussed in the forums with references from gurbani on the forums, khalsa can be raj-jogi-tyagi- raj- royalty in rehni/behni, jogi - jog towards vahiguroo, tyagi (never be attached with anything ie- lifestyle, can tyaag everything in one instant) all in one, as long kurehits are not committed its fine. This has nothing to do with avastha of an individual.

    2. Why she is married a non sikh?

    She broke maryada rule by marrying someone who is not gursikh but thats her personal decision. If she challenges sikh maryada on this then we should give her moo tor jawab but she is following her own life, its between guru sahib and her. We should be disappointed yes, but we shouldmove on there is no point passing fatwas on her or discussing her marriage on the forum. Who knows what guru maharaj has planned for her? May be in over time, her husband would be inspired by her lifestyle and sikhi or kids turn out to be sikh or vice versa she or her kids turn jewish. Non SIkhs become sikhs, its in the hakum, sikhs becoming muslim, hindu, jewish its all in hakum. We should accept it, only thing we can try to do is improve our parchar.

    3 Why is she wearing dastar? She should take it off.?

    Why should she take it off? She feels its her identity. She may be wearing it for cultural reasons for all we know as many punjabi men wear it. She lives in new york where regular public is highly ignorant of sikhi, atleast she is promoting dastar worn by sikhs. It takes real character to wear a dastar in pride in such hostile place where taunts - arab, rag head, osama bin laden are thrown very common at people who seem middle eastern to western people.

  2. First clear distinction has to be made between praising and worshiping. I believe lot of people are confusing praising with worshiping. According to Gurmat worshiping is naam abhyaas on vahiguroo nirgun via shabad which covers nirgun and sargun aspects of vahiguroo ie- chands in jaap sahib,mool mantar, gurmantar..... praising is praising vahiguroo's in sargun saroop- parkirti, sargun pasara, shakti among all other attributes.

    According to Gurmat, sargun saroop, parkirti, shakti form of vahiguroo whichever form it might be its praised not worshiped in sri guru granth sahib ji, sri dasam granth, there many glorifying examples already posted on the forums.

    If we understand this distinction, every doubts will vanish and there won't be any dubta on this.

  3. I agree with Chatanga. Having a chaur sahib over his head does not mean that he considered himself to be Guru, nor does changing the bana or advocating veggie diet. What are the reasons given in Mata jis hukamnamas against Baba ji?

    Why is it chaur sahib over baba banda singh bahudar ji is acceptable and chaur sahib over baba khem singh bedi all of sudden becomes ghor maha beadhi?

  4. Here is my take on this, i posted this on sikhsangat just now:

    It all depends on intention of an individual who is trying to illustrate shakti form of Vahiguroo. If sikh worship and or prasiing only shakti aspect of Vahiguroo via these pictures or other way and limiting all other aspects of vahiguroo and not worship nirgun form of vahiguroo via shabad without any question, he/she committing idol worshiping, should be condemned by Gurmat.

    However, there is a difference between worshiping shakti form of vahiguroo and praising shakti form of Vahiguroo. I yet to see an nihang khalsa or any khalsa worshiping shakti form of vahiguroo via these pictures above, but according to gurmat sidhant, shakti form of vahiguroo whichever form it might be its praised not worshiped in sri dasam granth, there many glorifying examples already posted on the forums. I do admit i have seen n angs idiots deliberately wearing t shirts of devta's like ganesh, shiva, lakshmi devi just to tick off other party. That is totally un-acceptable and cause un neccesary divide among brothers. But i am sure bhai jwala singh ji intentions not that at all, its far from it. He is merely following sri dasam granth sahib sidhant of praising shakti of vahiguroo which happen to be in many forms.

    If other party whole issue is do with picture of kali devi or other devi being posted on the blog, i m sorry to say you guys have lost the plot. If pictures of various symbolism of shakti is your only issue, than instead of accusing other party of bhaut bharshti(idol worshipers), you yourself are stuck in the dandal( deep cycle) of bhaut(idol) symbolism of shakti and cannot get pass the bhaut and failed to recognize the shakti aspect of Vahiguroo.

    Fine lets change pictures around, lets give an example of narsingha(driving force of vahiguroo - shakti) transcendent into this earth despite of all vars (no one destroy to me, human nor animal, nor in day nor in night), despite of all these vars given to harnakash, narsingha gave him death. Lets talk about picture of narsingha episode as its more acceptable in gurmat because direct reference in gurbani:


    If dhoti, tilak wearing, multi arm narsingha picture which illustratious shakti form of vahiguroo praised or acceptable in gurmat ,why not other forms of shakti?? Is it only because other forms of shakti is shared by other religion? Well narsingha avtar is reverred an shakti form of Vahiguroo in hindu dharam too? Just because of Shakti form of Vahiguroo is appreciated/praised in other dharam does not make them automatically anti gurmat, look by rising above boundaries of dharam, religious ideologies, any Victorian abrahamic influence then you will see no specific dharam owns various form of shakti of Vahiguroo.

    Fine, lets give you guys peace of mind, I am going to be blunt here, lets do a jora of kali matta change her picture a bit, put a dastar on her head, change the trishul weapon to khanda(bhaugati) instead of dead skuls mala around her head, put sarbloh mala of sarbloh weapons attached to it. Now is that symbolism of shakti good enough for you guys? or its still hindufied for you guys?

    Don't accuse others of idol worshipers when your own eyes cannot see driving force behind symbolism be it (khanda, kali devi, sarbloh weapons, utensils), don't accuse others of idol worshipers when your eyes cannot get pass cham of symbols.

    over and out..!

  5. There are two types of sri dasam granth upasakhs:

    One in course of fighting with anti dasam granth sahib intentionally or unintentionally misinterpret sri dasam granth sahib so in arguments other side does not edge over them.

    Second are those who represent sri dasam granth sahib ji after many years of studying concept of sargun and nirgun, see and study sargun and nirgun form of Vahiguroo without any boundaries of dharam, religious ideologies, any Victorian abrahamic influence.

  6. source: http://www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2010/05/19/pakistan-facebook-blocked.html

    Please post your thoughts here..!!!

    Whilst I don't agree with knee jerk reaction of banning facebook or extreme steps i.e- advocating violence over "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day! " with that being said, muslims have every right to be disappointed, hurtful and outrage of someone mocking their prophet that they look up to.

    Sikhs should embrace ourselves too, amount of mocking of prophet figures that freelance reporter or journalist doing these days under hood of freedom of speech is disguisting. Sooner or later, days are not very far, where some twat draws sri guru gobind singh ji picture in mocking way just to get mick out it or reaction out of it or prove he/she can practice their rights all in hood of freedom of speech even when it hurts other sentiments.

    Please look at the link above and look at the comments there, its disgusting, anglo saxon western society cannot fathom the fact by creating an cartoon of prophet like figure its hurtful to devotees because love for that prophet, its not cartoon but mocking intentions behind it.

    I hope our muslims brother shouldn't take any extreme approach like banning facebook or sending death threats to poster or threatening to blow , that will add more fuel to the fire, innocent people will die and be stuck in this vicious cycle. What they should do is take an proactive approach first educating/creating awareness of their beliefs to journalist/person who publishing these cartoons if issue cannot be rectified than take tit for tat approach by mocking journalist who have mocked prophet figures in cartoon not just mock the journalist but mock by using pictures of deceased relatives/family of an person who mock prophet like figures publish them on websites that way person who is on high horse of freedom of speech can taste some of their own medicine. I know it sounds evil and i also know two wrong does not make it right but this is only way in kalyug too tackle this madness attitude of Anglo Saxon western society mocking religious with mocking intention using prophet figures/statues- budda, mohammad, ganesh, shiva in cartoon or fashion statement just to see reaction and so that they can get mick out of it.

  7. I am sorry but calling someone little man or white faggot is racism too. In this case, both parties were racist to each other. Racism attitude does not only come from whites other groups too including punjabis. Main question is here, who was more racist? also who first started spewing racist slurs? I m no fan of rednecks arrogance attitude. But after reading this article we have to take unbias approach.

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