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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. Too much knowledge can also become a hindrance and not enough can be a downfall. Where is that right balance I don’t know. To me nirgun or sargun roop are one and the same. I have firm faith waheguru knows my simran is for him.

    You are totally right there..i agree with you there...my post prior to your reply just out of curiosity thats all.

    I can't figure out the line :

    rav oopar gehi raakhiaa cha(n)dh ||

    I have firmly placed the moon above the sun.

    Please listen to the katha below regarding the above shabad..I haven't got a chance to listen to it yet..once i listen to it..i will try to post the translations.


  2. Vahiguroo nice post sat veer..i will reply soon but nothing beats asking a mahapursh who went through all the stages than me replying based on superficial knowledge..i will follow some of your advise regarding the technique..!!

    Just an question what you actually focusing on tirkurti(3rd eye)- gurughar mantar or just dhuni of shabad or your body transcendent to sargun and nirgun etc?

  3. Here is propa desi way in Canada and it turns to be cheaper. If its large sum i advise to divide the portions into 5 different transaction.

    Desi people have agencies and their contacts both in India and Canada. You go to their local office here in abroad then fill up the details in the form and details location/name of person who you want to pay, once agencies contact there make a payment in indian funds to the party there and you have full confirmation they made a payment in indian funds, you pay the local desi guys whatever conversion works out to be..!! :D :D

  4. I don't know about this particular case so i cannot comment on it but its true lot of kathavachik and even sant mahapursh exaggerate stuff to make a point in a sakhi. I don't find personally anything wrong with it as long they trying to make a point or trying to show tat(essence) behind the sakhi..sayana person takes the tat(essence) of that sakhi and leave sakhi itself alone does not matter if its exaggerated or not but one with low bibek buddhi will wrap his/her head around the sakhi and missing the whole tat/essence/point behind the sakhi either blow it out of proparation or big it up..simply exaggeration without cause can be classified as a lie but exaggeration of sakhi to show an greater point or tat behind the sakhi is another way of doing parchar.

  5. it was because of their virakat avastha that Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji deemed them unsuitable for the the Damdami Taksal Jatherdari.

    That's great info..didn't know because of virakat avastha they didn't get gaddi of damdami taksal..that actually makes lot of sense..now only chela could understand this riddle from this context it would be soo much better.

  6. I personally think we need to have define Gurmat sidhant for newcomers. Actually, Bhai Gurdas Ji have already defined it as tsingh mentioned fast position held by guru sahiban and bhai gurdas ji on different philosophies, introvert, extovert layer of mind.

    Also, as they say- dharam usually have- shariat, tariqat, marfat, hakikat level. Surely, from hakikat or bhramgyan level its all one advait (non dual supreme consciousness) there are no social/spiritual relgious boundaries- shariat/rules etc but student sitting at shariat level need to have standard to be contained as for starters- its all pretty much sargun even if its kirtan, seva, naam simran- shabad form (shuksham sargun).

    Now is it possible reach at bhramgyan without external layers in dharam? yes its possible but exteremely very rare to the point where one's previous lives bhagti kick in. But in general no because our mind is sargun in nature and slowly goes towards nirgun not straight away.

    Surely everything could be made fetish and everything sargun is somehow roadblocks in students path..thats why proper guidance is needed. But even if path/aim is clear, it appears human consciousness gets stuck in something or another until satguru grace.

    I spoke bhai gurdev singh ji regarding overall bhagti/gyan/shabad surat marg in sikhi, if they are separate or same. He said, in gurmat bhagti/gyan/shabad surat are all blended in one. Prem(Bhagti), Shabad(Naam abhyas) and Gyan marg may seem oxymoron for other spiritual orders but its all blended in Gurmat. Basically devotion in Gurmat - be it bhagti intertwined with shabad surat and gyan should be spontaneous come from heart, if devotion is robotic regardless of doing sargun or nigun upasna, its still a roadblock and gets turned into dogma or fetish. Whilst vivek buddhi(intellect) has power can help solve lot of roadblocks within or theological issues, even vivek buddhi has its limitations cannot go all the way, only thing that goes all the way until end bairaag and prem...nothing else.!!

  7. Gurdwara is a dharam sala where you learn thing or two about dharam..all this social stuff one can engage in in their own leisure time outside out of gurdwara owned domain..not sure why people want to change maryada to suit their own needs.

    Sri Akaal Takth Sahib should control both righty/lefty mindset in the panth- you give hippy liberal sikhs a small arm, they want the whole leg !!!!!!!!!

    Panthic bodies need to draw a line in a sand- we must perserve sanctity of dharam sala, what's next? mojra/belly dancing organized by gurdwara commitee?

  8. Gurbani talks about every single relationship being based on each person or entity needing one another and once that need is fullfiled/stops the relationship ends i.e all relations are false and temporary - which leads to the question why engage in any relationships then (whether it be marriage, work, friends, family, etc)?......at the same time it is my understanding that as Sikhs we don't have to shun the world and can live a householders life, in which case you need money and need to build your own relations and mini empires..........so then how do we live in the world and be dettached at the same time?

    Because ultimate test is staying in the pool of maya and still be nirlaip (free-de-attached)- Gurmukh maya vich udasi pointing towards raja janak..it's fine and dandy when someone shun this world to work towards their spirituality but when it comes to test of maya, thats what it counts. Gurmukh being in pool of falsehood and temporary- world illusion and still be de-attached, its not only because its some sort of test but true gurmukh naturally get bairaag and prem - two main wings to across worldly ocean- after seeing falsehood of this world and world illusion-maya.

    Real Gurmukh is not someone who have nothing ( by force to have nothing) and is bairaagi (they haven't done the real test yet)

    Real Gurmukh is someone who has everything both asthohol maya and shukhsham maya (maya vich udasi) but still bairaagi for milaap with vahiguroo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    how do we live in the world and be dettached at the same time?

    1. Remember your death all times, you will naturally remember Vahiguroo and be de-attach from this world. I remember Vahiguroo ji in narsingh avtar killing harnakash, no one can escape death.

    2. Keep doing ardas to Guru Maharaj to bless us with concentration naam simran, bless us with baraaig, nishkham seva, prem and advait (non duality)

    3. See tat(essence) of everything, everything cease to exit...do your worldy duties as part of your karam or family obligation but don't be attached to it..!!

    4. Keep doing vichar at all times. Vahiguroo gave human bibek buddhi (intellect- biggest power) to discriminate- take good and leave bad. Divide your mind in two (intellect- make your intellect as the boss) and mind (dog), whenever vulnerable dog start wandering- let your intellect (boss) bring back the dog to its base by starting right away to do vichar with bibek buddhi- Man tu jot saroop hai apna mool painchan || ( that you are not body, mind - rajo/tamo/sato or five koshas(sheats), you are not jagrath, supaon, sukhopat )- your real essence - gyan saroop atma-paratma ....you will notice slowly infront of yourself- your perception of this world will automatically change..!!


    Even when you have to do bhog with your spouse - unavoidable circumstance as who wants drop of water/ anand from glass when there is maha anand- ocean out there!!!!!!!!!, look at your own self or perception very carefully and honestly with your bibek buddhi, if your perception is based on western standards of bhog birthi (fullfilling your desires), without any question you are kaami you are slave of panj choor, but if your perception is sabh gobind hai sabh gobind hai and showing affection then its fine he/she comes under- "sabh gobind hai sabh gobind hai" then your mind is becoming part of higher dristhi kaun (perception) of sabh gobind hai.

    Same thing applies with moh attachment with kids and money(just earn for survival of family- nothing more and nothing less)..there is big difference between attachment and universal love..once you intuition start becoming more and more advait (non duality) your will find yourself away from attachment but that does not mean you don't love your kid ..there is nothing wrong with universally loving your kid as (he/she parts of universe).

    Bairaag and prem are two sides of same coin, they are main wings of Gursikh who wants cross the worldly ocean. Bairaag (de-attached) from this world - individualistic human body/mind and its illusion, at the same time- prem/love universal real essence of human and the whole creation of vahiguroo which is non dual/super consciouness- Vahiguroo atma paratma !!!!!!!!!!

  9. Guru sahib knew there would be fake guru's sprouting everywhere, so he set an precedence or draw an line that all Sikhs should consider sri guru granth sahib ji as final eleventh Shabad/Ishat Guru as our main focus. But with that being said (having main focus as shabad guru) its within sri guru granth sahib itself which highly advises the individual to do sangat of sadhu, sant,mahapursh, bhramgyani, satpursh as they have experienced the Vahiguroo in form of bhramgyan, so that students can also experience Vahiguroo not just shabad resosance but attained bhramgyan

    Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji- Gurbani/Shabad Guru should be our focus.. should be in the center in our journey towards spirituality- be it if we are doing sangat/seva of saints or bhramgyanis.

    All three things - Karam- Nishkham Seva, Upasana- Shabad Naam Simran/Vairaat Sarab Vypak Vahiguroo, Gyan- gyan of shabad-atma-paratma- nirgun chaitan bhram all listed in sri guru granth sahib maharaj.

  10. Skin looks very good. One recommendation is to make the forum width a bit wider (fluid version) to about 95%. Something like this: http://forums.invisionize.com/topic/144369-fixed-to-fluid/page__view__findpost__p__1175405126

    Done, though the above method doesn't work on this skin ;)

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