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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. what!! Are you denying that Shiva in this context is not lord Shiva of sanatan tradition? I don't believe this.

    I am not concerned with vedantis and how they would interpret this shabad, to me Shiva of Dasam Granth can only be one deity - Lord Shiva. Period.

    What else you would deny Neo?

    Because that interpretation is not aligned with overall gurmat sidhant listed by sri guru gobind singh ji himself..

    aad ant eko avtara soee guru samjaeho hamara

    why is it soo hard to comprehend?

    With that being said, there are praises respect is given where its due towards rudra-shiv, vaish and other previous indic avtars of akaal purkh in gurbani with central theme (Ikongkar- one akaal purkh vahiguroo) always intact/ never lost -dedicated towards one akaal purkh vahiguroo... as there is a difference between praise and worship. For example- sri guru gobind singh ji mentions jale hari, thale hari does not that mean he is worshipper or upasakh of water and earth? Learnt to know difference between praise and worship (one overall advait sidhant) - ikongkar. Shabad above is in mangal charan in eulogy form dedicated only to one akaal purkh- vahiguroo kind same as atam shaktam where shivoham is repeated mentioned dedicated all prevading siva-vahiguroo..similiarly try to tell advait vedant- shivoham means diety shiv, you be given time out and sent back to their kinder garten class to be their water boy.

    I have a kid he gets good marks in maths so i praised him does that meant i worship him?

    You are osho fan i thought you would know this that central theme -One being-awareness (akaal purkh) never lost in sargun upma, very disappointed to see you are stuck pseduo sargun idol worshipping like everyone else.

  2. Deho Shiva barr mohe...

    Totally wrong, seriously get a snatan scripture education its vachak of akaal purkh cannot be confined into shiv deity. Vedantis/advait will vehemently disagree with your position of confining akaal purkh vachak- siva into shiv diety as their own shankara atam shaktam have shivoham in them who is vachak of all prevading siva -consciousness.

    Advait vedanta teaching of absolute reality is ultimate authority in snatan world to proper contextualize stuff, go get education before making your self an fool.

  3. I may sound pro british but that is not the case, and the anti brit rhetoric here makes me believe you guys are the "crazed pindus". Your all clearly showing your lack of political skill.

    If any of you would have studied the politics Guru Gobind Singh Ji used during his volatile times you would realise that alienating yourself from your enemies is not a clever option. Guru Jee assisted bahadarshah zafar even though his father ordered the killing of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

    My point is that the British always have a hand in any course of world politics. Assistance from them would be wise rather than taking a Boko Haram stance even though they have given little back to the Sikh nation

    Very good point veer, sikhs need to be more familiar with puratan rajniti.

  4. In soraj parkash granth, sri guru gobind singh maharaj gave mata ajeeto ji updesh of releasing her prana via dasam dwara after mata ji had visions of anandpur siege, sahibzadas shahediya prior to the actual event. Basically maharaj ji validated the vision that what you seeing is true and gave her updesh event cannot be changed as its in hakum of akaal purkh that we should stay in hakum of akaal purkh, but mata ji had extremely komal hirda cannot see the pain at that point, sri guru gobind singh maharaj gave updesh/further jugti to take her surti to dasam dwara and release her prana through bhramrandar nari (vein) which is connected to dasam dwar.

  5. ਜੋਗੀ ਜਤੀ ਬ੍ਰਹਮਚਾਰੀ ਬਡੇ ਬਡੇ ਛਤ੍ਰਧਾਰੀ ਛਤ੍ਰ ਹੀ ਕੀ ਛਾਇਆ ਕਈ ਕੋਸ ਲੌ ਚਲਤ ਹੈਂ ॥
    जोगी जती ब्रहमचारी बडे बडे छत्रधारी छत्र ही की छाइआ कई कोस लौ चलत हैं ॥
    The Yougis, celibates and students observing celibacy, many great sovereigns, who walk several miles under the shade of canopy.

    ਬਡੇ ਬਡੇ ਰਾਜਨ ਕੇ ਦਾਬਿਤ ਫਿਰਤਿ ਦੇਸ ਬਡੇ ਬਡੇ ਰਾਜਨ ਕੇ ਦ੍ਰਪ ਕੋ ਦਲਤ ਹੈਂ ॥

    बडे बडे राजन के दाबित फिरति देस बडे बडे राजन के द्रप को दलत हैं ॥
    Who conquer the countries of many great kings and bruise their ego.

    ਮਾਨ ਸੇ ਮਹੀਪ ਔ ਦਿਲੀਪ ਕੈਸੇ ਛਤ੍ਰਧਾਰੀ ਬਡੋ ਅਭਿਮਾਨ ਭੁਜ ਦੰਡ ਕੋ ਕਰਤ ਹੈਂ ॥
    मान से महीप औ दिलीप कैसे छत्रधारी बडो अभिमान भुज दंड को करत हैं ॥
    The Sovereign like Mandhata and the Canopied Sovereign like Dalip, who were proud of their mightly forces.

    ਦਾਰਾ ਸੇ ਦਿਲੀਸਰ ਦੁ੍ਰਜੋਧਨ ਸੇ ਮਾਨਧਾਰੀ ਭੋਗ ਭੋਗ ਭੂਮਿ ਅੰਤ ਭੂਮਿ ਮੈ ਮਿਲਤ ਹੈਂ ॥੮॥੭੮॥
    दारा से दिलीसर दु्रजोधन से मानधारी भोग भोग भूमि अंत भूमि मै मिलत हैं ॥८॥७८॥
    The emperor like Darius and the great egoist like Duryodhana, after enjoying the earthly pleasures, finally merged in the earth.8.78.

  6. Canada's Immigration and Refugee Board has ordered the deportation of a British man for belonging to Sikh separatist group that was engaged in terrorism. - See more at: http://www.princegeorgecitizen.com/news/local/immigration-board-orders-member-of-sikh-terror-group-deported-from-canada-1.1003206#sthash.R8mebpq5.dpu

    Babar khalsa International is right wing fascist and borderline terrorist organization who is radicalising sikh youths in uk and else where, I applaud CBSA for taking stand and setting example that Canada should not and will not be use as platform for self interested fascist groups to promote their fascism -their anti hindu rhetoric is shocking and astounding- and as on top of that they all abuse the system- milking/abuse the generous social system of Canada as they are using Canada just as base, promoting their own tribal ghetto issues and promote segregations as oppose to intergrate, nothing to do with Canadian egalitarian sikh values:
    Here is one of their fascist members openly threatning to kill 50,000 hindus (should be charged with hate crime)
    Here is sri akaal takth jathedar is warning against sikh extermism
  7. Dude don't worry about labels...i certainly dont think they are the main voice....hell right wing nut jobs think i m rss. Do i give a flying kite about it ? Nah...just ignore them, focus on positives...don;t let it bother you. There are plenty of deep spiritual sikhi on this forum. Use that for spiritual evolution.

    This forum real purpose is helping sikhs non alike for spiritual growth all though we appreciate other discussions and debates for knowledge, information sharing and to clear misconception - adapting virtues mentioned in gurmat/gurbani, meditation, naam simran, gurbani discussion, spiritual discussion for spiritual growth, well being for humanity remain top focus on this forum.

  8. He was definitely a spiritual master. YOU do not want to recognise him as one, that's your problem.

    I may not agree with everything he (just like Gandhi) said or did but i definitely have respect for Osho.

    Orgies...get over your puritanical outlook.

    I agree he was spiritual master, lot of sikh gianis kathavachik appreciate his works even quote from his works, all that despite of him supposedly calling sikh guru's ordinary teachers which he may have done in his early amateur life anyway . I was told by this gurmukh- osho was spiritual teacher had spiritual awakening at some levels, but not fully enlightened one-bhramgyani like ramana maharishi or nisgardatta etc, he knew his previous 100 life births but not beyond it and he also had very clear perception on many things wrote many books which challenges many rigid mindset/let others think out of box, he even had some level of spiritual awakening at center of his being.

    Anyway, overall it really does not matter,we need to be always attuned towards message than the messenger.

  9. Here is the small attempt to compile all the sikh mantra's and their deep spiritual meaning:

    Bij Mantar
    Ikongkar- One universal awareness being(JOT) all in one, one in all -which is nirlaip (de-attached free from all, infused in all), unchanged thoughtless awareness being expressing in its movement - creating, preserving and changing creation spontaneously.
    -- ------------
    Maha Mantra:
    IkOngkar Satnaam Kartapurkh Nirbhauo Nirvair Akaal Murat Ajoni Sahibhang Gurparsad
    Ikongkar- One universal awareness being(JOT) all in one, one in all -which is nirlaip (de-attached free from all, infused in all), unchanged thoughtless awareness being expressing in its movement - creating, preserving and changing creation spontaneously.
    which is
    Eternal Absolute existence truth which is never changing.
    Creative consciousness
    Pure love compassion/No fear
    No enimty towards anyone
    Akaal Morat-
    Timeless being.
    No birth or death
    Pure Awareness Bliss.
    Realized by grace of Guru (sargun) / all prevading (one in all, all in one) one universal awareness being (ikongkar) within
    Mool Mantra
    IkOngkar Satnaam Kartapurkh Nirbhauo Nirvair Akaal Murat Ajoni Sahibhang Gurparsad || Jaap || Aad Sach Jugad Sach Hai Bhi Sach Nanak Hosi Bhi Sach ||
    Ikongkar- One universal awareness being(JOT) all in one, one in all -which is nirlaip (de-attached free from all, infused in all), unchanged thoughtless awareness being expressing in its movement - creating, preserving and changing creation spontaneously..
    which is
    Eternal Absolute existence truth which is never changing.
    Creative consciousness
    Pure love compassion/No fear
    No enimty towards anyone
    Akaal Morat-
    Timeless being.
    No birth or death
    Pure Awareness Bliss.
    Realized by grace of Guru (sargun) / all prevading (one in all, all in one) one universal awareness being (ikongkar) within
    Jaap- Meditate on above mantra which is
    Aaad Sach- Primal Truth
    Jugad Sach- Truth of all ages
    Hai Bhi Sach- Truth ever present now
    Nanak Hosi bhi sach - Nanak says, truth always been there.
    Mahavak Mantra:
    Ikongkar Satgurparsad:
    Ikongkar- One universal awareness being(JOT) all in one, one in all -which is nirlaip (de-attached free from all, infused in all), unchanged thoughtless awareness being expressing in its movement - creating, preserving and changing creation spontaneously.
    Satgurparsad: Sat (Eternal Truth) Gur- Awareness Parsad- Bliss
    Ikongkar Satgurpsad- One universal awareness which is always Eternal Truth Awareness Bliss realized by grace of SatGuru Nanak (sargun) / all prevading (one in all, all in one) one universal awareness being (ikongkar) within
    Gur Mantra
    Vahi- Wow, blissful ecstasy, Guru- Pure light awareness. It's expression of absolute divine.
    Vahi- Intoxicated Guru- Awareness - Intoxicated Awareness.
    Vahi- Wonderful Guru- Awareness/Consciousness.
    Va- Vypak, Ha- Pargat, Gu- Bhram Ru- Chaitan- Nirvakalp
    Vahiguru- Spiritual meaning- Va- Vypak (Everywhere), Hi- Pargat(Appearance), Gu- Bhram (Paratma-Bhram) Ru- Chaitan (Supreme Consciouness) - Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji Bhindranwale.
    ~ Paratma supreme consciousness which exist everywhere which is pargat. ~
  10. Looks like you have never read Granth sahib. If you had read the holy book you would have noticed almost each and every poet was a Hindu. No Khalsa vidhwan (is that an oxymoron

    ?) words included in GGS ;)

    Ermm not really, all the bhagats were vaishnav (were intially sargun upasakh went from sargun to nirgun), all were included as akaal purkh are protector for weak , nirgun upasakh yes but they are rejected hindu/ outer hindu rituals/empty rituals, they were not hindu in -karam khandi/bhramin eltist sense hell all the bhagats have broken karam kands of their religion accepted gurmat - mystic layer of snatan/puratan gurmat.

    Even definition of bhramin has been reiterated to its original source- again big slap on corrupt hindu bhramin elitist who have changed bhramin into social caste system to control others like sheeps.

    Khalsa truly came to reiterrate uphold propagate sikh snatan/puratan dharma in original pristine state, everyone is welcome even curropt hindu bhramins but after they remove chip on their shoulders and see the reality what it is- which is sit with everyone else equally without any distinction on floor have langar and eventually have amrit from same batta which is one and universal available to all humanity..!!

  11. At certain stage if one is receptive towards it you don't need a physical spiritual guru as one start getting guidance or drawn towards from inner guru- intuitive divine guidance consciousness/inner voice within(surti/sakhi within) which guides you through in experience (during meditation, sehaj patt, gurbani vichar not conceptually or intellectually.)

    We need to realize there is no duality as such- guru real profound ultimate roop is jot saroop/real self of everyone which is in all of us thats the source call it vahiguroo/ikongkar or gyan roop of ikongkar/vahiguroo-atma/paratma call it what you like it's same thing, in order to help seeker guru himself take many physical forms to help seeker to go introvert and guide, and depending on spiritual development of seeker, guru himself take form of shabad, inner guidance/voice and draw seeker in and finally ultimately same guru reveal itself in all prevading jot saroop which is no different than jagadi jot saroop of seeker and guru. It's our ignorance we start seeing and wrapping our head around one aspect of guru while ignoring other aspects all together.

    Another thing i would highly recommend for serious spiritual aspirants, during their experience in meditation/naam simran/naam abhyaas/whatever technique they are using is to incorporate deep inquiry within their experience- whenever one is going through experience be it listening to anhad shabad, sas gras, swas swas etc- infuse the simple yet very profound deep question - 'who is experiencing it? from time to time, its not meant to be repeated as mantra...let the answer come from your experience/shabad/inner intuitive divine guidance surti consciousness within, don't let or try to answer it intellectually or conceptually from mind.

    In reality, we can totally rule out things which we are not and let shabad absolute reality assert express reveal itself...so its not definitely not individualistic mind/egoic mind which is experiencing it, even though individualistic mind/egoic mind think it is or have you totally convinced it is. Answer lies for you to be discovered, once its discovered or realize, it change your perception surrounding many things, you will keep doing whatever sadhana you doing but perception surrounding things like goal, aim and main thing whole seeking shall automatically fall off or change, one will notice out of many things one of things one will notice is not much "seeking" rather simply acknowledgement or recognition

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