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Everything posted by paapiman

  1. Reference: Life Stories of Great Sikh Saints by Dr.Hakam Singh Bhul chuk maaf
  2. Srimaan 108 Sant Baba Nand Singh jee Kaleranwale's bachan (something like this) - The seed which remains exposed is never able to sprout, while the one which stays hidden in soil, can become a huge tree. It implies - The more secret/hidden one keeps his spiritual state, the more progression one will make. Having said the above, intention and the situation can come into play too. Suppose, there is a person, who is about to start disbelieving in Satguru jee, while you are having spiritual experiences. In this situation, one should reveal his experiences to assist that person in reaffirming his faith in the Almighty Lord. Intention is the key - boosting ego or committing welfare? Bhul chuk maaf
  3. Another Sakhi, similar to the above. Note: Sant Jnaneshwar jee was a contemporary and a friend of Bhagat Baba Namdev jee Maharaaj. Bhul chuk maaf
  4. To add to the above: One can stay anonymous on this forum, therefore sharing personal spiritual experiences can encourage other people to do more meditation. The bottom line is that one must eliminate any trace of pride, associated with spiritual experiences and stay humble. Bhul chuk maaf
  5. Reference: Life Story of Sant Attar Singh ji by Harbans Singh Doabia Bhul chuk maaf
  6. If Panj Pyaray (5 Singhs) are not available, then one can do Ardas to Satguru jee, until one finds the Pyaray. The Punjabi expression "Amrit tut gaya" is grossly wrong. Amrit does not break, instead, the person breaks away from the Amrit. The right expression should be "Banda tut gaya Amirt to". Both, the outer Rehit and its essence are very critical to spiritual progression. One cannot pick and choose. If only outer Rehit is paid heed to, then it could potentially lead to hypocrisy (major sin in Sikhism). For example, a person is very careful with regards to misplacing his Kachhera, but on the other hand, he has sexual relations with many women. This is a classic example of Hypocrisy. What is the use of Kachhera to such a person? Now, let's assume, there is another person, who understands and practices the essence of outer Rehit, but is casual with his kakkars. Even though, this person might be better than the former, he might land into trouble with Satguru jee for breaking injunctions. Once, a person reaches Brahamgyan, the story changes as "Brahamgyani Bandan Tay Mukta". Bhul chuk maaf
  7. Bro, one does not become a Patit, until any cardinal sin is performed. Bhul chuk maaf
  8. This might be off-topic, but to add to the point of Amardeep paaji. If I remember correctly, Daas heard it from a Singh (who heard it from a Saint) long time ago that tying a turban by looking in the mirror is "Hangta da Abeass" (Exercising of Ego). A Sikh must always strive to either eliminate, or mitigate activities which adds fuel to one'e ego. Having said that, for ordinary household people (who have jobs), it might be important to look into the mirrors, while dressing up for work. Also, looking in mirror while brushing, cleaning face, etc, might be essential. Bhul chuk maaf
  9. Here it is Singh saab. Reference: Life Story of Sant Attar Singh ji by Harbans Singh Doabia Bhul chuk maaf
  10. Not sure if the book is available online or not. You can try this. http://www.rajkaregakhalsa.net/literature/General%20Sikhism/Sant-Baba-Attar-Singh-Ji-Mastuane-Wale.pdf Bhul chuk maaf
  11. Srimaan 108 Sant Baba Nand Singh jee Kaleranwale was also very strict, regarding removal of Kachhera (there is a sakhi, where he asks 5 Singhs in the sangat to punish him for removal of Kachhera), even though, it seems that Nanaksar are a bit lenient on Kara and Kirpan. Bhul chuk maaf
  12. Brother, Gurbani is the ultimate source for Sikhs. It does not matter which scripture (SSGGSJ, SDGSJ, SSGSJ) it is from. If you have stopped accepting evidence from SDGSJ, then it is your personal choice. It is not our problem and IMHO it is a very narrow minded decision. Both scriptural and historical evidence has been provided to you which clearly illustrates that cow protection is a must for Sikhs. Having said that, will try to state the evidence from SSGGSJ too. This is bit off-topic but some food for thought for you. Life has to be taken for human survival. Pest, insects, rodents, etc, are killed in millions, so that humans can acquire food. Don't you feel sorry for them? You are worried about animals. How about the humans that are suffering in this world? Are you sure your country (where you reside) is not involved in any human right violations? How is the foreign policy of your country? Is your country exploiting other countries? Is your country involved in any genocides? Is human slavery taking place in your country? What about corruption in your country? The point is that there are many other issues which can be brought to the table, if one talks about mistreatment of animals. We can keep debating about them for days/months. Is it worth the time? Cows were specifically created by the Almighty God to provide food sustenance. The amount of milk produced by cows/buffaloes is a clear indication of that. Therefore, they act like mothers to humans. The milk of other animals like sheep, camels, etc, is primarily meant for their off-springs and sparingly for human consumption. But, humans tend to over use it for their own needs. Other animals, which provide valuable materials/services to humans, such as sheeps. dogs, horses, donkeys, etc, should also be respected. Hinduism is a religion, not a culture. There are similarities between Sikhism and Hinduism. Other major world religions have similarities too. Like for example, Islam and Judaism have similarities among them. Quran has been stated as a plagiarized version of Bible and Torah by some.people too. Sikhism is a universal religion, started by Almighty God himself, unlike Middle eastern religions, started by Prophets (Most of them did not even travel much). It's teachings are applicable in this entire creation. Anyways, let's stay on topic. If you want to discuss gender relations, mythology, etc, please do start new topics on them Bhul chuk maaf
  13. Ban on Kachhera removal - Advantages: Psychological - Inhibits feeling of lust Psychological - Reminder of celibacy or faithfulness to one's spouse Psychological - Alertness Historical - Reminds of Sri Hanumaan jee (Bhagat) and his love/devotion towards Sri Ram Chandar jee Might have some biological advantages Military legacy as stated by Amardeep jee Bhul chuk maaf
  14. If Kachhera has to be removed from the body, for surgical or any other critical purpose, one still has to go for Peshi If Kachhera is removed unintentionally/accidentally, one again has to go for Peshi. If Kesh have to be killed (cut, shaved, etc) for surgical or any other critical purpose, one still has to go for Peshi If Kesh are killed (cut, shaved, etc) unintentionally/accidentally, one again has to go for Peshi Bhul chuk maaf
  15. Guest jee - Please take caution, if you decide to take cold showers, especially if you spend more than 20 minutes in it and live in a cold country. Catching cold is a possibility. Bhul chuk maaf
  16. This is an excellent point. There seems (Daas might be wrong) to be some relation between caffeinated drinks and Vikars. It might be due to the fact that one is not able to sleep deeply and Vikars find the opportunity to attack. Obviously, this would apply more to people, who are trying to tread on the path of Sikhi. This is not specific to Lust only; Ego attacks can also occur. If someone else can provide more details, that would be great. Thanks Bhul chuk maaf
  17. http://dailysikhupdates.com/breaking-sacrilege-at-village-malke-near-moga-angs-thrown-on-streets/ Is there any national Hindi news channel reporting such outrageous events in India? Bhul chuk maaf
  18. Reference: Life Stories of Great Sikh Saints by Dr.Hakam Singh Bhul chuk maaf
  19. Srimaan Sant Baba Attar Singh jee Mastuanaywale's bachan: Reference: Life Story of Sant Attar Singh ji by Harbans Singh Doabia Bhul chuk maaf
  20. Below is an anecdote from the life of Srimaan Sant Baba Attar Singh jee Mastuanaywale: Reference: Life Story of Sant Attar Singh ji by Harbans Singh Doabia Bhul chuk maaf
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